Wednesday 26 September 2018 | 81

Circus: monkeys without water and in the middle of rubbish

Circus: monkeys without water and in the middle of rubbish

Mis à jour le 23 November 2018

A few months ago, we were in action in Montredon-les-Corbières to demand the release of Maya. But she was unfortunately not the only one to be detained by this circus. A few weeks ago, we received an overwhelming testimony concerning the conditions of detention of the other animals in this circus.

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Between the heat and squalor

This is from a witness who alerted us. Once again established in Montredon-les-Corbières, and while the heat was around 40 ° C, the circus cages were placed in direct sunlight. As he walked around the trucks, a visitor notices a female baboon watching her infant. It looks through the bars of his cage and signals to the visitor who then approaches. Her mother, frightened and protective, prevents him a moment to approach the visitor. The infant ends up stretching out his arm, which is covered with sores, and catches the finger of the human visitor who is looking at him. The bedding of the cage is rotting and extremely dirty. The smell is unbearable. Remains of spoiled food are strewn on the ground, there are many flies that are having a field day. And in this stifling heat, the monkeys have no access to water.

When it is reported to a circus employee, the latter hastens to close the doors of the trailers, without giving water to the animals. The cage is so dirty that he is struggling to close it. Finally, he succeeds, enclosing the monkeys in the darkness and the smell of decay.

A little further, tigers and zebras, have no water either. However, the law provides that animals should have access to permanent water and that tigers have the opportunity to swim, except in very cold weather.

The right to a dignified life

These living conditions are not only contrary to the law but they also do not meet the physical and mental needs of animals. Access to these animals is not secure which represents both a potential danger to visitors and also an additional source of stress for animals. In nature, baboons are sociable animals that live in groups. These groups are organized in a complex way and managed by strong males, who protect each member of the group. Their territory can reach hundreds of hectares! What will this little baby baboon know? Will he spend his life in an unhealthy cage, he will only leave to participate in humiliating shows?

One Voice cannot resolve this so is pressing charges against the circus. The fate reserved for these sentient beings is inadmissible. All animals deserve a dignified life. You too, act! Please sign our petition to ban the exploitation of animals in circuses.

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In the subject

Justice for Jon, Céleste, Patty, Hannah, and Marli: hearing in Évreux against the Cirque de Paris Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Comments 81

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Gaya | Saturday 29 September 2018

Laissons les singes ? vivre en paix, et surtout en toute liberté !!!

Nous espérons de tout cœur que vous gagnerez le combat, que vous gagnerez tous les combats !
La maltraitance ainsi que l'exploitation animale doit cesser!

Molly Cosy | Friday 28 September 2018

C'est inadmissible! Il faut les libérer et qu'ils aient un lieu salubre et décent pour vivre!

phil | Friday 28 September 2018

je pense qu'il faudrait créer des groupes de défense qui agiraient plutôt que de parler

Josée | Friday 28 September 2018

Babouins : n'était-il pas possible d'appeler police ou gendarme pour constater l'infraction ? Ils pouvaient bien sûr refuser de se déplacer, mais au moins ils n'auraient pas pu prétendre n'avoir pas été informés.
Merci à One Voice !