Thursday 24 October 2019 | 61

Chatipi: One Voice's program for homeless cats!

Chatipi: One Voice's program for homeless cats!

Mis à jour le 11 February 2022

Because the suffering of homeless cats has no boundaries and because their numbers continue to grow One Voice created Chatipi. A simple, solid and effective response, which has been integrated into its global campaign against strays! The inauguration of the new Chatipi will take place in Veix on Saturday October 26th at 10 am in the presence of Sylvie Degery, Mayor of Veix, Muriel Arnal President-founder of One Voice and the Vice-President of the Departmental Council of Corrèze.

Hr blog

Stays account for more than 11 million cats on the streets, they suffer hunger, thirst, diseases, bad weather and violence. A figure that continues to grow despite the sporadic use of sterilization programs undertaken here and there. The shelters are overflowing and the situation gets worse from year to year! It was in response to the suffering of homeless cats that One Voice created Chatipi.

The mayor is legally responsible for the stray cats in his community

One Voice’s Chatipi program is part of itscampaign to call for a national emergency plan for stray cats. It is an aid, offered to the mayors, because it is them who are legally responsible for the management of stray cats in their community. The current regulations clearly stipulate that sterilization and releasing are to be preferred than that of "euthanasia", which in fact is considered as slaughter and is denounced by One Voice. This is the only possible solution, because it is both ethical and effective ...

Chatipi: genuine help for municipalities

Following the pilot project carried out in 2013, Chatipi has been redesigned so that it can be easily established wherever homeless cats need shelter. The program assists and offers mayors the ability to meet their legal obligations to protect strays by helping them create a place for these cats to live. 
Sterilized and released cats must be able to protect themselves from bad weather and violence, to be able to feed, watered and benefit from health monitoring.

These reception centres, which can be set up in a public area, will be both an opportunity to respect them better and generate social ties between the inhabitants of the municipality. This will also make cats known, thanks to the online documentation made available by One Voice.

Do you want to help us develop Chatipi in your municipality? Contact us ! And help homeless cats, you can also make a donation ...

Hr blog

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Comments 61

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verolsn | Friday 17 July 2020

Enfin une bonne nouvelle. J'espère que d'autres maires vont suivre l'exemple du vôtre.
Un grand MERCI à vous, pour tout ce que vous faites pour les animaux! et à votre nouveau maire, un homme humain et efficace. Qu'il reste comme il est !!!!

Animacoeur | Friday 17 July 2020

Nous sommes très heureuses pour vous et tous les chats que vous prenez en charge. Bravo aussi à One Voice pour ses bonnes idées et initiatives. Afin de venir en aide à nos braves minous, j'ai moi même monter une association dans le 92 en 2010, afin de gérer la population féline de "façon éthique" et pour laquelle nous oeuvrons chaque jour. En tout une dizaine de bénévoles, de l'amour et du courage...Notre Maire aussi nous soutient avec une subvention et un terrain prêté où nous avons installé un chalet pour accueillir les chats que nous proposons à l'adoption, je le remercie tous les jours...Belle continuité dans votre démarche et vos projets et encore bravo pour votre persévérance...Avec toute notre amitié et reconnaissance pour ce que vous faites depuis si longtemps pour "nos 4 pattes"qui ne dépendent que d'un regard d'humanité...

Plume | Friday 17 July 2020

Bravo , quelle formidable nouvelle . Merci à toutes et tous . Bravo et remerciement particulier à ce maire , un exemple à retenir ?❤️

Elisa | Friday 17 July 2020

Bravo, Sandrine, quel miracle, je pleure de joie aussi