Monday 22 May 2017 | 59

Breeders under surveillance: Seizure at the repeat offenders

Breeders under surveillance: Seizure at the repeat offenders

Mis à jour le 08 March 2018

On May 5th, the Zoé branch of One Voice was back in the Oise. Thanks to the vigilance of her investigators, breeders who had already been convicted of acts of cruelty were again taken into custody for repeated offences.

Hr blog

7.00 am in the morning. The shutters are closed. The house remains in dilapidated and sad state. It looks as though it is growing out of the mud that surrounds it; the area is strewn with rubbish. The gendarmes come in first, followed by the DDPP veterinarians and then One Voice. 

In the field: there are dozens of dwarf goats left to their own devices and some with babies. The condition of their hooves indicates a lack of care. And then a goat, in a box of dirty concrete, exposed to the wind and rain, without water or food. Another frightened in a muddy mesh enclosure, tries to shelter as best it can under some planks of wood. An old plastic pet's bed is filled with urine.
Cats are also there, some roaming free others kept in enclosures on the ground covered with excrement. The smell is unbearable. Their makeshift and filthy shelters do not even protect them from the cold. They do not trust humans and hide in the corners, out of sight. How are they fed? Bones hang there, as well as a bowl filled with pasta.
Behind a door, we discover a cat's corpse, abandoned long ago.
In the house everything is dirty, very dirty. The images from the first seizure 6 years ago come flooding back to us. Fewer dogs this time though, "only" 4 French Bulldogs. A bitch underwent a caesarean section, apparently without the intervention of a professional vet. And again more cats, then a hen, at least what remains of it. Its poor body, already dry, lies in a transport box in the kitchen, since when?Our partner sanctuaries are there. Some took several hours driving to be there and then to put these animals into shelter and safety.

Since 2004, we have been investigating this couple who call themselves breeders. In 2011, they were given a final ban on keeping animals, as well as imprisonment for serious offenses and acts of cruelty. We had brought out 46 dogs from their home. Luckily today, thanks to the surveillance that we had maintained, they were placed in custody and the animals that were at their home were seized. A legal procedure is now in progress. We will do everything we can to ensure that the punishment they receive will be an exemplary one.

One Voice would particularly like to thank the gendarmes and the DDPP who have been working on this case since it began.

Hr blog

In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 59

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

GILLES | Saturday 27 May 2017

Merci One-Voice pour vos actions envers tous nos amis les animaux, ces individus ne méritent qu'une détention identique à celle qu'ils ont fait subir à ces pauvres animaux. Une condamnation dure et exemplaire devrait à tout jamais empêcher ces sous-hommes de pouvoir approcher une vie animale. Si la France avait une vraie justice cela serait possible mais cela reste de l'utopie.
Merci de tout cœur à l'équipe One-Voice .

Rock07 | Thursday 25 May 2017

Merci à One Voice.

mimi | Thursday 25 May 2017


Dom35 | Tuesday 23 May 2017

Hello One Voice
Un immense remerciement aux gendarmes et à la DDPP pour leur aide aux Animaux martyrs qui souffrent et ce n'est pas admissible ! Pour ce cas, cela est un travail considérable. Merci et encouragements pour votre continuité. Merci.