Wednesday 31 January 2018 | 73

Back to our gathering against the terrible fate of English Greyhounds

Back to our gathering against the terrible fate of English Greyhounds

Mis à jour le 22 March 2018

We were a hundred humans and thirty dogs to brave the cold in a good mood and determination on Sunday January the 28th 2018.

Hr blog

Of all ages and all from France, the defenders of Greyhounds but also of Galgos came in support of these poor farmed Greyhounds. Cruelly trained and sometimes even drugged for the races in Great Britain they are resold without hesitation to countries which then transform them into meat, in unspeakable conditions.

One Voice with the support of Celtic Grey hounds and Co who were also in action in Perpignan for the same cause, The Voice of Greyhounds, Greyhounds without Borders, A History of Galgos, Association GALGOS, Greyhound My Love, CREL, Greyhounds and Company, Esperanto Greyhounds, Greyhounds Martyrs, Galgos Ethic Europe rose up against this scandal. So we were all, humans and dogs together, to support this fight at Place des Vosges, near the house of Victor Hugo, man, it must be remembered, committed for all the oppressed.

Thank you all for coming, thank you for the many messages and testimonials of support.

In London at the same time, the defenders of these victims, CAGED Nation Wide, Birmingham Greyhound Protection and Pet Levrieri, had organized an action before the Greyhound Board of Great Britain to demand the end of this exploitation and of exports. In a word, respect for greyhounds.

The fight does not stop there! We will demonstrate on March 24th between the embassies of Spain and the United Kingdom. See you at 2 pm, Pont de l'Alma, near Zouave.

Hr blog

In the subject

Cage hens: during the hearing before the State Council, the public reporter proves NGOs right Unpublished investigation: deer farming and culling in France. No respite for wild animals

Comments 73

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Tila | Thursday 01 February 2018

J'ai adopté une petite chienne abandonnée en Espagne grâce à une association basée à Aix qui recueille dans ce pays des galgos martyrisés par des tortionnaires que sont les hommes.
Je souhaite par toutes les actions menées qu'il y aura une justice pour ces pauvres bêtes.
Merci à toutes les associations de mener ce combat.
Quand les gouvernements réagiront-ils ? Ce n'est pourtant pas si difficile que ça !

Sue Lewis | Thursday 01 February 2018

A huge thank you from the UK to everyone who gave their time to protest against this cruelty.

madame loup | Thursday 01 February 2018

Quand je pense qu'il existe des êtres HUMAINS comme le PROFESSEUR

NOEL FITZPATRICK qui Fait L'IMPOSSIBLE pour sauver les chiens, les



A côté, il y a les assassins ! STOP A LA BARBARIE ET AUX BARBARES !

Silvia | Thursday 01 February 2018

Atroce et le mot est faible.Nous devons agir absolument!!!!