Tuesday 05 July 2016 | 32

Arturo, polar bear

Arturo, polar bear

Mis à jour le 05 March 2018

Arturo has just died in Mendoza zoo, having spent 31 years of his life suffering in a cage. One Voice is demanding a ban against keeping polar bears in zoos in France and around the world.

Hr blog

Lying on the floor with his mouth open, eyes closed, Arturo has just been put down. His lifeless body can be seen through the cage bars. These are the final images of the "world's saddest bear".

Born in the United States in 1985, Arturo was transferred in 1993 to the grim Mendoza Zoo, near Buenos Aires, which is temporarily closed at present following the deaths of too many animals. Arturo endured the Argentinian sun and heatwaves but at least he was not alone. For 23 years, he just had a small puddle of lukewarm water a couple of centimetres deep to refresh himself in, and a small red ball to play with around the cell perimeter. But in 2012, his friend Pelusa died of cancer. Arturo's fragile world came crashing down, and he plunged into a depression which would last until his final days.

As he battled the heat by spreading himself out as long as possible on the floor, and his state of health deteriorated in front of the worried international public, 1.5m people signed a petition demanding his transfer to Canada. Assiniboine Park in Winnipeg was prepared to offer him a place of refuge, where he could see snow for the first time in the company of other bears.

But the offer fell on deaf ears. Gustavo Pronotto, the director of the Mendoza Zoo affirmed that the old bear would not cope with the journey and that he wasn't used to the cold. On the 3 rd of July 2016, at the age of 31, Arturo died just before his euthanasia, despair in his heart.

We know that all polar bears suffer in captivity, with all of them demonstrating behavioural problems to various degrees, like Rasputin in Marineland, Antibes. And all of them without exception have to cope with climates that are far from being 'polar'. Arturo is probably the most tragic symbol of their distress.

But why? What good does this suffering do? Has Arturo's despair been in vain? Did Argentinian visitors act to save the Antarctic after having seen him in his cage? Was Arturo a martyr who prompted the rescue of other polar bears? No, of course not. The only way to save the polar bears is to respect the minimal commitments of the COP21, to stop building useless airports on wetlands, to urgently stop the global warming which is destroying the bear's habitat as well as ours. But it is important to remember that if the polar bear or the panda have been chosen as ambassadors for menaced species, rather than the southwestern water vole, it is because of their spectacular image and the positive impact on a zoo's turnover that a bear's birth can have.

Captivity is a stretched out torture for polar bears in France, Europe, Chile, South Africa, and all around the world. Russia captures dozens every year to sell to Chinese zoos. Little by little, the leisure industry is becoming their principal threat. This is why France must set the example and stop exhibiting these wild and magnificent creatures in attraction parks. The tragic death of Arturo should not be in vain.

Yvon Godefroid
Hr blog

In the subject

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Comments 32

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

wettlé | Wednesday 06 July 2016

Moi aussi je suis très triste, bouleversée et révoltée de constater l'exploitation de tous ces pauvres animaux sauvages ou autres en les enfermant, en les emprisonnant et en les privant de leur liberté et indépendance juste "pour le profit, pour l'argent" et dire que ce pauvre ours a passé toute sa triste et misérable vie ainsi, j'en pleure vraiment..... MERCI à One Voice de dénoncer et d'agir pour que les ours polaires ou autres animaux ne soient plus enfermés dans des zoos, mais vivent dans leur habitat naturel ou l'équivalent et non emprisonnés et exhibés "comme de simples objets ou de la marchandise".
Il est important d'expliquer aux enfants la souffrance et la maltraitance dont sont victimes tous les animaux dans les zoos en leur précisant que leur vie ne doit pas être dans de tels endroits mais aussi à boycotter tous les zoos du monde entier.
Les êtres humains me dégoûtent et me déçoivent toujours plus ; je me sens beaucoup plus proche des animaux pour lesquels j'ai une immense compassion et un grand respect. Le monde dans lequel nous vivons se déshumanise toujours plus au détriment des animaux, au détriment des êtres faibles et c'est grave ; très grave et inquiétant car certains humains sont capables de tout ; des pires cruautés, des pires barbaries et atrocités et ne reculent devant rien. Mon seul réconfort est de me dire et de savoir que nous sommes nombreux à prendre la défense et protection des animaux dans tout domaine et à militer et agir pour faire évoluer et changer les mentalités pour le bien-être de tous les animaux pour que tous les animaux soient enfin reconnus et considérés en tant qu'êtres vivants sensibles et intelligents et afin qu'ils soient défendus de la même façon que les humains car ils ne nous sont pas "inférieurs" mais "différents" en tant que personnes animales.
MERCI à tous, pour être du côté des animaux et agir pour eux.

Michou | Wednesday 06 July 2016

Tellement triste la vie de cet ours enfermé et privé de son habitat naturel...il faut arrêter cela !

Gardfieldlondon | Wednesday 06 July 2016

Le directeur du zoo ne pensait qu'à son tiroir-caisse Voilà la triste vérité??

roma | Wednesday 06 July 2016

Pauvre Arturo ! Je suis profondément peinée pour lui et pour tous les autres animaux en captivité et traités comme des esclaves. Il faut que ça s'arrête ! Pitié !