Saturday 15 September 2018 | 23

Another discontinuation or just how to kill more wolves

Another discontinuation or just how to kill more wolves

Mis à jour le 07 December 2018

In 2018, the National Action Plan for the Wolf (Wolf Plan) set the number of wolves that can be slaughtered to 40 individuals. The damage to this already vulnerable species is not obviously sufficient enough, the Prefect of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region has declared itself competent enough to increase this number to 43 wolves, without any justification. Again, we are dealing with the aberrant nature of these unfounded slaughters.

Hr blog

The senseless extermination of wolves

In France, every year there is a quota of wolves that can be slaughtered or "destroyed", in the terms of the Wolf Plan. This decision is the responsibility of the Minister of Nature Protection, and obviously does not take into account the positions of its citizens. Not only is this dreadful extermination of wolves is automatically planned each year, but the slaughter quota can be revised according to the number of wolves actually counted, in order to eliminate even more.

Wolves live in packs according to clearly defined social rules, so we cannot imagine the consequences of random slaughter on the functioning of these packs.

Wolves are already weakened by natural and accidental deaths and do not seem to be able to get out of the Government's line of sight.

Wolves shot for paradoxical reasons

The Prefect of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, who is none other than the coordinating Prefect of the Wolf Plan, decided last June 25thto increase the quota of 3 additional wolves, knowing that according to the latest estimates, the population total in France would be only 430 wolves (according to the National Office of Hunting and Wildlife, the ONCFS). But under the 500 individuals, the population is not viable ... It is completely absurd to increase this already high number, especially since the Prefect cannot make this decision alone.

It is an unwise decision to increase an annual quota to slaughter sentient beings that are intelligent, sensitive and essential to the biodiversity which these wolves are. And also, without conducting an environmental study or public consultation upstream.

Yet, without having jurisdiction, the Prefect has arbitrarily planned to make three more victims than expected, which makes the slaughter of wolves even more irrational.

The goal of slaughtering wolves is supposed to be for the preservation of herds of sheep and the assurance of quiet pastoral activities. It is therefore surprising to read in the pages of the Wolf Plan itself that there is no certainty about the impact of lethal shots on wolves.

Why not stop this unfounded slaughter of wolves and favour existing alternatives? We can for example mention the presence of herding dogs, as proposed by the National Council for the Protection of Nature.

We must immediately stop this slaughter of the wolves

The quota related to the slaughter of the wolves must be respected until 31st December 2018, which is why it is urgent to act and to suspend any participation in their extermination. It is important to note that 20 wolves have already died from natural, accidental or undetermined reason.

What use can we find in the cruel intervention of man in the killing of wolves?

One Voice has lodged a complaint against the Prefect of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and hopes for an awareness for the need for wolves in French forests and mountains.

Claire Walder
Hr blog

In the subject

Wolves: the European Commission in favour of massacring them New wolf captivity areas? It’s a no!

Comments 23

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

domi62730 | Thursday 20 September 2018

lamentable-nous partageons en France des frontières communes avec l Espagne, et les Pyrénées, et l'Italie et les Alpes- les espagnols et les italiens ont su gérer les loups, nous français, on ne sait pas faire ou plutôt on s'octroie des territoires illégalement-une idée serait peut être de leur laisser leur territoire (aux loups),à savoir que les bergers leur volent des dizaines de kilomètres carrés sur des terrains dont ils ne sont pas propriétaires mais qui appartiennent à la collectivité-on double son cheptel et on profite de cette manne providentielle de nourrir ses animaux à bon compte-ah oui,le loup égorge des brebis,si on lui foutait la paix,ça n'arriverait pas ou très peu-en plus les bergers touchent des compensations,ça leur coûte rien et les terrains qu'ils s'octroient ne leur coûtent rien non plus-quant au Préfet de la République,il décréte ça pour éviter d'avoir des ennuis ,et il a d'autres chats à fouetter,sachant qu'il n'est là que pour 3 ou 4 ans avant d être muté,manque de courage politique-bonne journée!

arnac | Thursday 20 September 2018

Je suis heureuse de voir de magnifiques animaux sauvages dans la nature mais je me demande si la réintroduction des loups et ours en France est une bonne idée car en fait elle fait surtout plaisir aux chasseurs qui en ont assez de se contenter du sanglier et du chevreuil d'élevage.
Réintroduire des animaux pour les condamner à une mort quasi certaine ça me gêne quelque peu.
Quant aux bergers, c'est avec leurs moutons qu'ils devraient être, pas devant leur poste de TV. A noter que ceux qui pleurnichent devant des brebis égorgées (qui seront bien remboursées) ne pleurent pas sur leurs agneaux quand ils les "montent" dans le camion de l'abattoir...
Et pour les préfets, et bien, ils vont dans le sens du vent, comme d'habitude.

madame loup | Thursday 20 September 2018


amie | Thursday 20 September 2018

Incompréhensible ! et idiot.