Thursday 12 May 2016 | 24

AnimalPetition: Stop the suffering in the laboratories

AnimalPetition: Stop the suffering in the laboratories

Mis à jour le 20 April 2019

One Voice has launched a new campaign with its partners in the European Coalition. Objective: an awareness in favour of the animals who are objects for experiments.

Hr blog

If a light tone has been chosen, the problem is none the less extremely serious. What is happening behind these lab doors, many still do not know. One Voice and its ECEAE * partners have chosen humour to alert as many people as possible.

These dogs and cats that make us laugh and share our lives; these fellow creatures of all kinds are exploited in the worst possible way and they are the same. With the same needs, the same desire to live, the same joys, the same sorrows ... And yet, some inflict terrible pain on them ... Outside the laboratories, these practices would be condemned as acts of cruelty!

Dogs, cats, rabbits, pigs and all these animals are exploited in laboratories, they can undergo over many years’ invasive experiments, that cause acute pain! And when they are not being experimented on, they are locked in cold empty cages, without seeing the light of day, terrified to hear footsteps approaching ... those who have the chance to share their lives with us, One Voice hopes to draw attention to them. We do not cross them in the streets, we never see traces of them, we do not hear their screams of pain ... This torture is discreet and hidden. Everything is done for us to forget it.

But that's enough! They certainly do not have a human companion to love them, but they are nonetheless sensitive! Their fate must be known to all, together, stop this torture! Science now has other effective methods that can save lives. It's time to implement them ...

Please sign and share the AnimalPetition here:

And to learn more about these animals, check out One Voice reports:

* ECEAE: European Coalition to End Animal Experimentation

Hr blog

In the subject

The 2022 figures on animal testing have finally come out... and are not reassuring In 2024, mice and rats continue to be subjected to the worst experiments in French laboratories

Comments 24

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nad | Saturday 14 May 2016


safia | Friday 13 May 2016

Je refuse toute torture qu'elle soit dirigée sur un humain...Et encore bien moins lorsqu'il s'agit d'un animal sans défense qui ressent la douleur... Nous sommes en 2016, il est grand temps que les mentalités évoluent vers le meilleur pour ces pauvres animaux qui, eux, ne nous font aucun mal.

Nikita | Thursday 12 May 2016

STOP à cette souffrance faite à tous ces animaux innocents...
Il y a bien d'autres moyens avec les nouvelles technologies pour expérimenter les produits... bien souvent inutiles d'ailleurs !!!

Tof | Thursday 12 May 2016

Stop à l'inutile barbarie. Les tests sur cellules souches sont disponibles et bien plus fiables semble t-il d'après les études récentes.