Wednesday 26 October 2022 | 12

Animal testing on the radio

Animal testing on the radio

Mis à jour le 28 December 2022

Despite requests from us, including a letter sent to France Culture and to the Radio France intermediary to expose them to the problems of framing and the content of the recent episode on animal testing, we have not received any response. You can help to change things.

Hr blog

On 7 September, France Culture invited two people who are in favour of animal testing on to ‘La Science — CQFD’, preventing any substantive debate on ethical issues.

A valuable episode

Since this date, we have regularly listened to ‘La Science – CQFD’. In contrast with the episode on animal testing, we particularly recommend that you listen to the episodes from 9 and 30 September, which gave the floor to Jane Goodall and Frans de Waal, ethologists and primatologists.

Another positive point: on 28 September, a researcher invited on to the episode regarding Alzheimer’s disease criticised the methodologies currently used in animal testing to study this pathology and to a great extent put forward the use in studying disorders directly on the people who are affected.

Where is the debate on ethics?

Unfortunately, the report from 28 September presented a recent French study having consisted of implanting neuronal cells of humans affected by Alzheimer’s into mice... without calling into question the ethics of this practice. Animal testing therefore seems to be considered by default to be an acceptable practice in the episode.

The ethical questioning on practices exploiting animals must be systematic, however. This incidentally is the reason for the Montreal Declaration, launched on 4 October and today gathering more than 500 signatures from global specialists on moral and political philosophy and animal ethics.

You can help

Today, we therefore invite you to express your feelings to the Radio France mediator in a brief and polite manner, to highlight the quality of ‘La Science – CQFD’ in general, the specific problems in the 7 September episode on animal testing, and the ethical and social urgency of always questioning these practices when they are mentioned on air in public.

With your help, it will be possible to open the path towards a true in-depth public debate so that the situation finally evolves to fast-track the end of animal testing.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Nicolas Marty
Hr blog

In the subject

The 2022 figures on animal testing have finally come out... and are not reassuring In 2024, mice and rats continue to be subjected to the worst experiments in French laboratories

Comments 12

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Wallace | Saturday 29 October 2022

C'est hélas comme ça pour tous les sujets à la radio comme à la télévision, jamais de contradicteur ... c'est plus commode et surtout ça évite les conflits intempestifs pendant les émissions.
Il en est de même lorsqu'il s'agit de la chasse, ou lorsqu'il s'agit des loups (on n'y voit que des éleveurs "éplorés" de voir leur animal mangé par un autre animal plutôt que de partir à l'abattoir), et aussi pour un tas d'autres sujets... la liste est longue.

CORINE | Friday 28 October 2022

Absolument intolérables ces pratiques abjectes, obscurantistes puisque pouvant être remplacées par les avancées des expériences in-vitro. Nos associations de protection et secours animaux doivent se mobiliser jusqu'à obtenir gain de cause.

Patte | Friday 28 October 2022

Que ces atrocités cessent ,
l expérimentation sur des êtres vivants sensibles intelligents DOIT être INTERDITE !

Praline | Thursday 27 October 2022

C'est insupportable de penser qu'on pourrait s'en passer et qu'on ne le fait pas.