Sunday 04 July 2021 | 47

An award-winning breeder who beats his dogs: we are filing a complaint

An award-winning breeder who beats his dogs: we are filing a complaint

Mis à jour le 07 August 2021

One of many hunting festivals is happening this weekend in Roquebrune-sur-Argens. An award-winning breeder beats his dogs… but a witness filmed the scene there and sent it to us. We are filing a complaint for abuse committed by a professional (a crime)!

Hr blog

When one of our supporters found themselves face to face with this hunter-breeder in Roquebrune-sur-Argens, it made sparks. The man, an award-winner for his Porcelaine dog breeding during the Diane Roquebrunoise hunting festival taking place this Sunday 4 July 2021, keeps his dogs in a wire kennel, hitting them with what strongly resembles the handle of a whip. The poor dog being filmed, collapsed on the ground, terrified and beaten, undoubtedly must feel all the love that hunters clearly feel for their dogs…

It’s lucky that one of the participants of the ‘happening’, organised by the VESEA (Living Together Without Animal Exploitation) group, was filming at that moment. We are filing a complaint for abuse committed by a professional – an aggravated offence – because, once more, these acts of violence against animals cannot go unpunished.

During the verbal exchange, the breeder, leaving with a handful of prizes including one for best breeder – you couldn’t make it up! – doesn’t even seem to be aware that his behaviour was disgraceful. He beat them all successively and when confronted about it by an opponent he said: “Ah well, what can you do?!”. Hunters cannot continue to treat dogs as objects to be exploited, mercilessly having to obey like they are robots. They are sensitive beings and must be protected. We are there to ensure that happens.

Translated from  the French by Joely Justice

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

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Comments 47

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marie-claude | Friday 16 July 2021

Cet éleveur doit être radié, ne plus posséder de chiens. C'est une honte de voir ça, pourquoi les animaux sont toujours maltraités? Que de barbares sur terre!

Del | Friday 16 July 2021

Il est urgent de cesser de faire du fric sur le dos des animaux de quelque manière que ce soit. Pas de concours, pas de prime, pas d'abrutis.

Pitchou | Thursday 15 July 2021

Cet éleveur doit être sanctionné et ne devrait plus avoir le droit d'exercer cette profession ni de détenir des animaux. Ce qu'il fait est abject ! Sa maltraitance, sa violence, ses coups sont intolérables et indignes d'une profession censée apportée protection et bons soins aux animaux détenus ! Pour ma part, j'attends que la justice se montre à la hauteur de sa responsabilité en condamnant cet homme comme il se doit, que la loi soit appliquée strictement, ni plus, ni moins surtout. Trop souvent, les tortionnaires d'animaux s'en tirent avec des peines bien trop légères... Il est temps de prendre la défense des animaux maltraités! Merci de leur rendre justice.

Arthur | Thursday 15 July 2021

Pourquoi les hommes s'en prennent toujours aux animaux qui sont sans défenses ? Pour moi ce sont des lâches, des moins que rien, des mauviettes...Tout mon mépris pour ces gens-là.