Monday 24 April 2017 | 51

Through my eyes

Through my eyes

Mis à jour le 14 May 2019

One Voice invites you to discover animal experimentation through the eyes of animals. These are the dogs, the monkeys, the rabbits who are sacrificed every day in the French laboratories.

Hr blog

"They came and pulled me out of my cage. I was firmly held and something long and thin was inserted into my mouth. I did not like that. I got angry when they put it deeper down my throat. It was not food. I felt it slipping down inside me. I was suffocating. I understood that it was not normal. Every day, for months, it started again. They took me out of my cage and forcefully inserted this tube in the back of my throat where they leaked something. What they put in my belly started to make me feel sick. After that, I did not always want to eat what was brought to me. When I did eat, I sometimes threw up everything. After several months, I was out of my cage one last time. They held me firmly and shaved my leg. I then felt something sharp sink into it. A feeling of cold suddenly swept over me when a liquid was spilled into my veins. I suddenly felt very tired. I remembered the smell of my mother. I would have liked to have been with her again."

Support our fight to see an end to these experiments on our companions !

"I screamed in panic when they brutally strapped me to a restraining device, but no one came to help me. My head was firmly maintained. A device was implanted into my skull, which was hurting me so much, it was the pulled up and fixed on a bar above me. I could not move. On a big screen in front of me, sets of patterns began to appear. For months I endured this trauma, I learned that when this pattern was repeated, I had to quickly press a button in front of me. I was then rewarded with a little fruit juice delivered drop by drop into my mouth. I wanted this juice. I had not had any liquid for several hours and I was very, very thirsty. After several hours, I was released from this device and put back into a cage. I did not fight this time. I wanted to sleep. I wanted to forget."

Support our fight towards the end of primate experiments !

"I curled up in the cage when a hand tried to catch me. Stronger than me, she manages to grab me. I was then locked in a box from where only my head was sticking out. I could not move. I looked around and saw rows of my companions locked up in the same way. Then a man walked towards me. I began to breathe faster. I struggled to escape, without success. The man lifted one of my eyelids and instilled something in my eye. Everything has become vague. The substance burned as my vision began to disappear. I saw almost nothing and the burning sensation persisted.

I wanted that to stop. I wanted to remove this stuff but I could not. It was so bad. I was struggling, I could not scratch my eye. Finally, the man came back. After examining my eye, he put me back in my empty, cold cage. I was alone, scared, and in pain. I hoped he would not come back."

Support our fight for the end of animal experimentation !

One Voice is the French representative of ECEAE, the European Coalition to End Animal Experimentation.

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In the subject

The 2022 figures on animal testing have finally come out... and are not reassuring In 2024, mice and rats continue to be subjected to the worst experiments in French laboratories

Comments 51

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

coquillette | Monday 24 April 2017

je suis contre les expérimentations animales, il y a d'autres moyens c'est vraiment ignoble de faire souffrir des animaux sans défense, ils ne sont pas sur terre pour être nos souffre-douleurs ou être considérés comme des objets et pourquoi ne pas faire ces expériences sur des hommes ou sur vous-mêmes les biologistes et chercheurs, j'espère que vous arrivez à dormir et à vous regarder en face

Fab | Monday 24 April 2017

Il faut lutter et parler pour ceux qui ne le peuvent pas , les animaux. Des alternatives existent déjà pour l'expérimentation sans recours aux animaux. Obligeons les laboratoires à ne plus réaliser d'expériences sur les animaux.

Maryne | Monday 24 April 2017

Ça me fait pleurer à chaque fois que je lis des choses comme ça, pour moi qui aime autant les animaux !!
Comment on peut faire subir ça a de pauvres petite bêtes qui demandent juste à vivre en paix ?
Continuons notre combat, tous ensemble, et un jour prochain tout cela cessera !!
Toutes les expérimentations "médicales", cosmétiques, touts ses abattages pour des populations animales soit disant trop nombreuses, les corridas, les élevages de fourrures, et j'en passe Malheureusement beaucoup, continuons notre combat pour LEURS VIES !

Elmer34 | Monday 24 April 2017

Les animaux sauvages ou domestiques ne nous appartiennent pas. On ne peut pas tout se permettre sous prétexte qu'ils ne peuvent pas se défendre ou quand ils le font ils sont de toute façon abattus. Ils ont droit au respect et à toute notre attention car ils nous donnent tellement... En beauté, en amour, en tendresse et en fidélité... L'homme est souvent inhumain mais c'est le propre de l'homme. Il existe d'autres façons de faire de la recherche sans utiliser et martyriser des animaux. Par amour pour l'humanité arrêtez cette horreur.