Friday 23 February 2018 | 34

A horse clearly suffering, a tiger with a wounded neck, we file a complaint against the circus

A horse clearly suffering, a tiger with a wounded neck, we file a complaint against the circus

Mis à jour le 12 July 2018

Following a report, we have just witnessed images showing the distress of several animals currently being held and exploited by a circus in Alès. It shows a horse, lying on the ground, a tiger with a wound on the neck and images showing Nelly and Brigit, the two elephants who live in the same circus as Maya for whom we have already filed a complaint. Maya, she is currently locked in her trailer.

Hr blog

These images have made our blood run cold: this poor horse, lying on the ground, who seems to be struggling to breathe, this tiger with a wound, left in his tiny cage with the floor bare, and the elephants Nelly and Brigit demonstrating heavy swaying, manifestation of their deep anxiety.

Does the horse suffer? This is what we tried to find out by alerting the various authorities. The photographed tiger presenting a wound, we also asked them about the origin of this lesion.

We immediately lodge a complaint for acts of cruelty for these animals in great distress, in addition to that filed for Nelly and Brigit. This circus also holds Maya, for whom our complaint is currently under investigation.

We told the public prosecutor that One Voice is ready to take care of all these animals in pain and to finally offer them a dignified life in our partner sanctuaries. Enough is enough!

EDIT at February 26th: One Voice intervened following numerous reports. A complaint was lodged concerning a horse visibly in a state of suffering, a tiger with a neck wound and elephants with strong stereotypical behaviour.

The DDPP carried out an inspection, which One Voice welcomes. As the DDPP made a report that found nothing abnormal, we decided to withdraw certain terms. We maintain our complaint.

Crédits photo & vidéo A.M.

Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 34

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M buro | Saturday 24 February 2018

j'espere que ces animaux seront soignés et mis dans un parc animalier

honte au cirque

Loubaï | Saturday 24 February 2018

Il ne devrait plus y avoir d'animaux dans les cirques ! Les animaux sont doués d'émotions et ne doivent pas servir à la distraction de l'Homme. Ils ont un habitat naturel et des besoins vitaux. Quoi de plus cruel que de répéter et répéter les mêmes scènes, dans un vacarme mêlant musique et voix avec pour seule récompense de la nourriture dans un enclos.... AUCUN ÊTRE VIVANT NE DEVRAIT VIVRE ÇA !!!!!! Arrêtons la torture et ouvrons les cages !!!!!

Océ | Saturday 24 February 2018

Quelle cruauté! Le cirque avec animaux doit être banni et ceux qui maltraitent les animaux doivent aller en prison!

Karine kreen | Saturday 24 February 2018

Ou signer la plainte, pour qu'on partage