Friday 12 July 2019 | 32

The National Nature Reserve of the Ramières should not be reopened to the hunt!

The National Nature Reserve of the Ramières should not be reopened to the hunt!

Mis à jour le 06 September 2019

It’s been six years since the magnificent reserve of the Ramières had become a real sanctuary for animals. But here, the public authorities have yielded, for the umpteenth time, in front of the lobby for hunters. We write to the Ministry of Ecology asking for the urgent adoption of a new decree to protect this site. Please sign and share the petition launched by the Citizens and Nature Collective in Val de Drôme

Hr blog

This reserve which is on the course of the beautiful river Drôme, is the largest wetland in the department of the same name. It houses otters, beavers, and many birds. Especially in migration period (hence hunting ...). It is a fantastic reservoir of biodiversity on one of the last rivers in the natural bed of France.

Since 2013 and for 3 years, hunting was no longer allowed, intolerable for hunters. Their federation appealed against this common sense decision. Following a procedural irregularity, they got their way and cancelled the order.

Unfortunately, the authorities did not see fit to take over a new owner, once again in front of the hunters.

One Voice joins the "Citizens and Nature Collective in Val de Drôme" which initiated a petition demanding that the reserve of the Ramières remains a protected area. We are writing to the Ministry of Ecological Transition asking for an urgent adoption of a new order.

This beautiful place must remain the haven of peace it has become for the animals living there and should not be disturbed by those who continue to want us to believe that they defend the Nature armed rifles.

Please sign and share the petition !

Naturaliste, conseiller de One Voice Pierre Athanaze
Hr blog

In the subject

Law on restoring nature: the European Parliament has passed an encouraging but weak law One Voice is calling for the European law to restore nature to be passed

Comments 32

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Susan72 | Tuesday 16 July 2019

Bravo d'avoir relayé cette pétition, les chasseurs sont dangereux non seulement pour les espèces non-protégées, mais aussi pour les espèces protégées, comme les castors qu'ils confondent avec les ragondins! ( Des "erreurs" paraît-il, mais si la chasse est interdite, il n'y aura plus d'erreurs, CQFD!)

J'ai entendu à la radio un chasseur avouer benoîtement que l'objectif de sa Fédération était qu'il n'y ait plus aucune espèce protégée en France, car selon lui c'était inutile : voilà le vrai visage de ces grands défenseurs de la nature!

cath | Tuesday 16 July 2019

STOP aux carnages STOP aux biocides ! Le " bas " peuple a plus que son mot à dire , quand allez -vous l'écouter ? Quand allez -vous céder aux lobbyistes ?

Sandrine | Monday 15 July 2019

Laissez les animaux en paix!

she wolf | Monday 15 July 2019

Ne laissez pas les chasseurs envahir et tuer dans cette réserve naturelle !!!!