Thursday 28 March 2019 | 21

Join the Arches network of Nature !

Join the Arches network of Nature !

Mis à jour le 15 June 2019

In order to fight against the disappearance of animals, One Voice organizes the creation of a vast network of sanctuary gardens, the "Arches of Nature", which will allow the reconquest of our environment by a rich and varied biodiversity.

Hr blog

The catastrophic disappearance of insects, our biodiversity in danger

This is no longer a warning shot: insects could well disappear within a century! Already 80% of them have succumbed, immediately causing the rarefaction of birds (-30%!) And in the short term the trivialization of our flora.

It would then be more than an immense catastrophe: it would be a cataclysm that would call into question all-natural balances. A major ecological crisis.

In recent years, there is no need to be scientist or naturalist to realize that bees or fireflies are becoming increasingly rare. That we can now in summer travel hundreds of kilometres by car without having to wash our windshield. The catastrophe announced by Rachel Carson in her book Silent Spring (1962) has unfortunately arrived. Never have we seen or heard as few birds as during the spring and summer. And for good reason: how warblers, robins or flycatchers can survive without the presence of insects?

Let's all become actors in the protection of animals and nature

We cannot just alert and ask the public authorities for action: we know only too well what it is all about. The recent retreat of Emmanuel Macron on the subject of glyphosates is here to remind us. Also, the recurrent positions of the Minister of Agriculture (pro-GMO, pro-glyphosate, pro-FNSEA ...). We must act! You can act!

Bees die disoriented after being poisoned by pesticides, there are no longer enough earthworms underground, slugs are poisoned in the vegetable gardens along with caterpillars, so no butterflies. Birds have no place to land, they are hungry, trapped, hunted. Frogs disappear from wetlands, there are fewer and fewer fish ... All animals are affected. Looking at the root of the problem, protect natural habitats for animals! It starts with us.

For this, we decided to create a network of harbours for nature and animals that will start with this link, oh so essential to the animal and plant kingdoms and that of insects. Their presence is a necessity in itself, for themselves, and also for their essential role in the ecosystem. Pollinators are at once essential for the reproduction of most flowering plants but also for the food of birds and bats. These nurseries of nature must also be protected from hunting and fishing.

The "Arches of Nature", sanctuaries for nature, for all animals, in our homes

Do you have a garden, meadow with animals, crops, woods, moors or marshes? Integrate them with our network of "Arches of Nature"! We will regularly send you information so that your parcels of land, which perhaps measure only a few tens of square meters or are several vast hectares, become even more of a haven of peace, enriched with essential biodiversity.

Download and sign the "Arches of Nature" charter, then send it by post (One Voice, 7 place de la République, CS 20263, 56007 Vannes Cedex) or by e-mail to

Together, square metre by square metre, we will protect territories, to give them back to the animals, to nature and to the humans who love them !

Hr blog

In the subject

The bramble, the unloved one Ivy, praise for an outsider

Comments 21

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anne | Friday 29 March 2019

Excellente initiative. Les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières. Mais cela va être dur de lutter contre les pouvoirs en place qui obéissent aux lobbies chimiques en priorité, hélas!

Karine et philippe | Friday 29 March 2019

C'est une excellente suggestion qui déboucherait sur une belle initiative collective qui permettrait de sauver les abeilles, les papillons, les insectes, les espèces protégées (petits hérissons, etc...). Que tous ceux qui en ont la possibilité se rapprochent de ONE VOICE, en signant la charte "des arches de la nature". Nos élus ont du mal à préserver l'environnement et pourtant, ils n'hésitent pas à Nous parler de biodiversité : MAKE OUR PLANET GREAT AGAIN, alors, c'est à nous de prendre les initiatives qui s'imposent dans un premier temps, en attendant qu'eux prennent leurs responsabilités dans un second temps. La démocratie, c'est l'engagement de toutes les citoyennes et citoyens pour préserver la nature, les oiseaux, les insectes, les mammifères, les animaux.

Lolo67 | Thursday 28 March 2019

Merci pour cette belle initiative

Ilona | Thursday 28 March 2019

J aide tous les animaux depuis 50 ans . Je veux faire encore plus