Thursday 30 May 2019 | 265

Hunting: bullets that whistle through the forest from June 1st onwards!

Hunting: bullets that whistle through the forest from June 1st onwards!

Mis à jour le 31 May 2020

People generally believe that hunting is an autumn and winter activity, but hunters don't see it that way. Hunters want to hunt as much as possible and for as long as possible. For a long time now, they have obtained the right to hunt deer as of June 1st! This is the period when there are the most people in natural and rural areas, but also when the deer are in the rutting season (mid-July to mid-August)! This makes hunting not only an ecological nonsense (more so when we talk about hunting ...) but also an ethical nonsense as well (but hunters have for a long time now demonstrated their total lack of ethics!). Along with the ecological and ethical issues there is also the denial of other human activities that also take place outdoors.

Hr blog

photo : Pierre Athanaze

This scandalous provision is far from being an act of "conservation" as hunters like to claim. This measure allows them to draw from the most beautiful male deer yearlings in order to decorate their chimney breasts with their morbid trophies. As deer lose their antlers in early fall, hunters are more likely to "harvest" their "beautiful" trophies by slaughtering deer in the summer during the breeding season!

The summer shootings are decreed by the prefects at the request of the departmental hunting federations. Requests which are almost systematically followed by orders authorizing this ridiculous activity. So, why would the hunters feel bothered or ashamed? And why slaughter only deer? Hunting federations and managers of hunting areas have asked the public authorities to allow the hunting of fallow deer. More recently we have seen the demand to hunt wild boars and of course, they won.

During the summer season, bucks and fallow deer are hunted as they approach or from lookouts (watchtowers). Wild boars are hunted by a driving method. Every hunter who pursues this disgraceful activity is also allowed to shoot foxes! This without any restrictions! Even after the buck or fallow deer quota is reached, summer shooters will have the right to continue hunting foxes, which is increasingly recognized as assisting agricultural by the farmers themselves.
This hunting period, which is added to the so-called general opening period, allows hunters to hunt three and a half months longer! And the holders of these hunting rights to earn even more money. One can find at most organized private hunts offers of overnight accommodation and hunts in various departments. Hunters, in need of these bloodthirsty activities, can, with hard cash, quench their deadly thirsts during these three and a half months of extended season. This constitutes an additional financial windfall for those who trade in death.

No, hunting is not, as some people try to make us believe, an act of "conservation" of the wild life, but purely a commercial activity. Please sign our petition to obtain a radical reform of hunting, and its ban during all weekends and school holidays! And meet with us on October 5th for the 2nd united march against hunting.

Naturaliste, conseiller de One Voice Pierre Athanaze
Hr blog

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Comments 265

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

July | Saturday 15 June 2019

Il faut que ça s'arrête !
C'est cruel et inhumain de prendre la vie d'un être vivant innocent qui veut la même chose que nous: VIVRE.

elisabeth | Saturday 15 June 2019

La mort comme but, tuer comme passe temps... Et ça se croit humain ???

Séverine | Friday 14 June 2019

C’est honteux et scandaleux !!!

Alex | Friday 14 June 2019

Je contre, il devient urgent de protéger la faune et la biodiversité qui fait que notre monde est beau.
Chaque être vivant à un rôle clé dans l'écosystème et la bêtise humaine chamboule et appauvrit la nature.
Stop aux génocides des espèces !