Saturday 09 November 2019 | 8

Dog training: The solidarity of hundreds of dog trainers

Dog training: The solidarity of hundreds of dog trainers

Mis à jour le 09 April 2020

For these hundreds of professionals, our investigation into dog training and the violent techniques used in this type of education is a relief for them. Professional trainers join with us to denounce "these heinous acts described and proven by (our) videos", encouraging us to persevere in our actions! They oppose those who have attacked us in court: they do not represent these people. Their solidarity touches our hearts and strengthens our determination to help the dogs who suffer at the hands of these violent dog trainers.

Hr blog

Contrary to the claims of the thirty or so trainers who have brought us to court, we have not been denounced by the dog training world, rather the opposite “the integrity of real professionals”. As proof, the solidarity of three hundred and fifty-seven professionals (to date) who along with individuals have been moved by our undercover investigation. These people were able to have their say, those who speak very rarely in public.

Enough is enough!

Several recent publications by those who claim to be spokespersons on social networks have put light to the powder keg. Those in the dog training industry and who have nothing to hide support us and want to say it loud and clear: they do not feel " unfairly criticize" or "accused" by our investigations. On the contrary, they have mixed feelings, our survey has never questioned the practices or values of dog educators as a whole, far from what has been targeted.

United against the violence!

To put an end to these barbaric methods, we will always call for a ban on training dogs to bite and the training of so-called defence dogs, transforming them into weapons by means of violent training methods. We repeat, every dog deserves to live in a loving home. A good communication and complicity between human and dog cannot be based on shouting, hitting and nor the pain caused by collars with sharp spikes or collars that discharge electric shocks... And in this venture, we are all united, associations, professionals and individuals, against a minority who practice this harmful method of training towards our companions of more than 30,000 years, dogs!

Hr blog

In the subject

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Comments 8

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Miriam | Saturday 09 November 2019

Éducatrice canin, je soutiens et appuie par mes valeurs ce changement et cette prise de conscience

Gis | Saturday 09 November 2019

Non à une éducation traditionnelle et violente!!

Carolle | Saturday 09 November 2019

Et oui!!! Nous sommes nombreux à partager des valeurs de bienveillance et de respect du chien dans son éducation et même son dressage. Le MFEC (mouvement francophone des éducateurs canin) regroupe des professionnels utilisant uniquement des méthodes positives, depuis 2006 l'association fédère et porte cette voix. On remercie One Voice de dénoncer les pratiques d'un autre temps

Laurence Chabert | Saturday 09 November 2019

Je vous soutiens et ai signé contre cette maltraitance . Éducateur canin, ancien éleveur, je condamne ces pratiques. Ce qu'il faut bannir sont ces techniques barbares, ou le chien n'est pas considéré et seul l'égo de l'Homme reste l'objectif.
Malheureusement, à cause de l incompétence d'un grand nombre, c'est l'ensemble de ces disciplines qui est accusé. Je comprends et j'adhère à votre colère face à ces pauvres chiens qui subissent.
Mais la coopération peut exister par des apprentissages positifs, où une équipe doit se construire dans la confiance , et avant tout dans le respect de l'animal.
Mes hommages à tous ces chiens qui souffrent .

Laurence Chabert .