Saturday 13 April 2019 | 54

Bouquetins du Bargy: Stop the killings!

Bouquetins du Bargy: Stop the killings!

Mis à jour le 25 November 2019

An emergency! A consultation is open until April 28 to gather public opinion on the massacre of the ibex of Bargy. Let's prevent the killing of these beautiful mountain dwellers!

Hr blog

In a sensible world, when individuals are sick, they are treated or, if it is impossible, their suffering is shortened. And in the case of a contagion, we protect others through vaccination. In Haute-Savoie, when an ibex is potentially carrying a zoonosis, it is killed. Even if it is in perfect health. Even if, fragile, it is still protected by the Berne Convention. Without any form of trial.

Eradication pure and simple

Since 2013, One Voice and its partners have been campaigning against the repeated "harvesting" (meaning "slaughter") of ibexes from Bargy. Their wrong doing? Some carry brucellosis, a zoonosis transmitted by domestic animals and naturally not present in wild ungulates. Thus, while common sense should encourage breeders to care for their infected sheep, cattle or goats, they are preying on wild individuals who have had the misfortune to be too close to them in the alpine pastures. The cheese producers have even held them responsible for the contamination of their Reblochons, although everything renders this hypothesis more than doubtful.

Make yourself heard!

Today, while many healthy ibex have already died under a hail bullets, the prevalence level has dropped significantly, the risk for farms is considered almost zero, will we leave them alone?

No way! The Prefect of Haute-Savoie plans a new order for 2019, which orders in particular "the removal of ibex present in the sectors" Grand Bargy "," Petit Bargy "and" Jalouvre Peyre ". Presented at the public consultation and up until April 28th, this decree would allow the death of 94 other ibexes if it obtains a majority of favourable opinions.

Let's mobilize to prevent these planned massacres, while alternatives exist! Join your voices with ours without delay by responding to the consultation:

  • or by post: Departmental Direction for the territories of Haute-Savoie, Water and Environment Department - 15 rue Henry-Bordeaux 74998 Annecy Cedex 9

Let us make sense to those for whom wildlife and nature must disappear to make room for farmed animals to be slaughtered.


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Marie-Sophie Bazin
Hr blog

In the subject

Wolves: the European Commission in favour of massacring them New wolf captivity areas? It’s a no!

Comments 54

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tripsychore | Friday 19 April 2019

Stop à cette immondice.

GUY | Friday 19 April 2019

Stop aux massacres inutiles, on ne sait que détruire les belles choses est pousser au crime, c'est pour cela que notre société marche sur la tête, alors Messieurs les politiques soyez des exemples pour mériter votre place dans la société, merci.

ROUX Martine | Friday 19 April 2019

De nouveau un cadeau aux chasseurs et aux éleveurs qui voudraient probablement y mettre des moutons.

claudi | Friday 19 April 2019

Si vous voulez que les prédateurs, comme le loup, ne mange pas vos moutons laissez leur un cheptel comme les bouquetins ou les chamois.
Ainsi on devrait interdire la chasse dans les parcs régionaux ou nationaux pour protéger les animaux d'élevage. Les prédateurs réguleraient les herbivores comme les chamois qui sont souvent des animaux d'élevage nourris tout l'hiver par les chasseurs. L'achat de foin reviendrait aux parcs plutôt qu'aux sociétés de chasse qui sont largement subventionnées.
Interdisons aussi la chasse aux mineurs, même en apprentissage. Messieurs les députés un peu de responsabilité.