L214 and One Voice take legal action against La Peyratte's pheasant and partridge farm for hunting L214 and One Voice take legal action against La Peyratte's pheasant and partridge farm for hunting

L214 and One Voice take legal action against La Peyratte's pheasant and partridge farm for hunting

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Two and a half years ago, at La Peyratte, our association investigated a pheasant and partridge farm destined to be slaughtered by hunters and, with our partner, challenged the authorization for expansion given by the prefecture. On Tuesday November 26, 2024, at 10:30 a.m., we will be at the Poitiers administrative court to defend the birds who have fallen victim to this exploitation and to demand the annulment of the text. 

During the spring and summer of 2022, we discovered the terrible conditions in which birds were kept, bred for the sole purpose of being shot. At La Peyratte, pheasants and partridges are locked up in tiny cages from which they desperately try to escape, only managing to injure their legs on the wire-mesh floors. Their suffering is compounded by an ecological problem: the discharge of their faeces into the water of an already fragile wetland ecosystem. Not content with these violent attacks on animals and nature, the establishment has chosen to expand in order to exploit not 37,000 but 95,200 birds. Hand in hand with L214, we immediately demanded the cancellation of the prefectoral decree that was granted to validate this shameful project, even though breeding had already taken place there illegally.

“Regulation”, a shameless lie

No initial request for expansion, no study prior to construction to assess the impact on the environment… As usual, hunters and breeders are in cahoots and believe themselves to be the masters of the world. Anything goes when it comes to satisfying their deadly hobby, for which they continue to fight tooth and nail in the name of the so-called need to “regulate” species. What hypocrisy! Their arguments are all the more inaudible as they “produce” themselves in battery cages living targets unable to flee in order to better kill them.

On November 26, 2024, at 10:30 a.m., we’ll be taking the voice of the pheasants and partridges of La Peyratte to the administrative court in Poitiers to demand the cancellation of the decree allowing the expansion of their farm.

Sign our petition calling for a radical reform of hunting, with ten simple and urgent key measures.

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