One Voice lodges a complaint against another establishment displaying a snake in defiance of the law One Voice lodges a complaint against another establishment displaying a snake in defiance of the law

One Voice lodges a complaint against another establishment displaying a snake in defiance of the law

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Since December 1, 2021, the law supposedly designed to protect animals from mistreatment prohibits their presence in nightclubs. A common-sense measure that has nonetheless been flouted for nearly three years, as we have denounced on numerous occasions. On Friday September 13, it was the turn of the “V and B”, in the Puy-de-Dôme region, to expose a snake to the noise and the crowd. We have once again lodged a complaint and are calling for regulations to be enforced.

On September 13, Aubière’s “V and B” celebrated its fourth anniversary with great pomp. And what better way to celebrate than with a “jungle party”? Cellar section overflowing with bottles of beer and wine, counter where one shot follows another, ambient hubbub in a packed room… and in this overexcited atmosphere: a snake. Announced as just another attraction by a member of staff, they are sometimes wrapped around the body of a dancer, sometimes carried to the height of the delirious night owls who surround them in numbers, glass and telephone in hand. For them, the fun, for the snake, the stress, and for all, the risk of an accident that could have happened at any moment, adding tragedy to cruelty.

All over France, other victims of festive events…..

These events are far from isolated. In October 2023 in the Pyrénées-Orientales region and in June 2024 in the Loire-Atlantique region, we had already condemned the ordeal endured by reptiles and a cockatoo at equally noisy and alcoholic parties…

At the same time, the Nausicaá aquarium could think of nothing better to inform its public about the animals it holds… than to traumatize them. Already prisoners of glass walls, they were also subjected to the resounding notes of two concerts given in front of their giant bowl. Alongside the PAZ association, we contacted the Direction départementale de la protection des populations (DDPP).

And when Alice Cooper took to the stage with a boa around his neck on October 2, we immediately contacted the Zénith de Paris. The venue, which had not been informed of this dubious display, undertook to continue banning the exploitation of animals at its concerts.

…..although it’s been illegal since December 2021

And yet, for nearly three years now, the law of November 30, 2021 has forbidden the display of these individuals in any enclosed area open to the public with music playing. How can we still believe in this text if even the few measures that have come into force are not respected? Because animals are not accessories, and they don’t belong in nightclubs, we demand that they be kept out of these places for good, and protected as they should be.

For the snake used at the Aubière “V and B” party, we have lodged a complaint against the establishment, its managers and the owner of the reptile. We demand that these events cease once and for all, for the well-being of the animals and in accordance with regulations.

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