Another glimpse of State cruelty: in the space of nine days, 586,558 animals - a quarter of the official annual figure - became Another glimpse of State cruelty: in the space of nine days, 586,558 animals - a quarter of the official annual figure - became

Another glimpse of State cruelty: in the space of nine days, 586,558 animals - a quarter of the official annual figure - became "tools" in laboratories.

Animal testing
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The Ministry of Higher Education and Research tirelessly continues to approve projects imposing suffering and death on animals. A quarter of the annual number of animals used has been exceeded in just nine days.

With nearly 75% of the French population opposed to animal experimentation, and the support of our political representatives, we continue to demand transparency, the use of alternative methods and funding for research dedicated to them! Join us: write to the Ministry!

The MESR recently declared that 2,158,058 uses of animals were made in 2022. This figure is misleading, as it only takes into account the first uses of an animal. In reality, there are many more experiments carried out during the year. The fate of 586,558 animals was sealed in just a few days, from May 23 to 31: 537,266 mice, 480 monkeys, 91 dogs, 80 cats, 752 hamsters, 12,477 rats, 5,700 lizards, 13,823 fish, 7,360 frogs, 1,094 pigs, 1,653 rabbits, 70 sheep, 60 cows, 5,102 chickens and 550 other rodents (some projects don’t bother to specify the species)… Virtually all of them will then be euthanized. This is the appalling reality of French laboratories!

We are highlighting a representative but non-exhaustive selection of what is approved every day by our institutions…

Hundreds of monkeys:

Dogs :

Dogs will also be exploited for drug trials, enduring injection-related pain as well as potential complications such as arterial hypotension or arrhythmias.


Thousands of xenopus tadpoles will be used to test pharmacological compounds and subjected to toxicities that can lead to death, potential paralysis as well as stress and pain. Fish are not to be outdone either, as several hundred have been subjected to a test designed to determine the acute toxicity of a chemical substance. The severity of the project is classified as severe.

The rabbits :

They are also among this week’s victims… One of the projects particularly stood out for us: if the rabbit doesn’t pass the trial entry tests, he is automatically killed. In another project, 1,155 rabbits will undergo surgery to inject a substance into their eye, followed by a series of painful examinations involving inflammation of eye tissue and retinal detachment. They will of course all be euthanized at the end of the procedures.

Small herbivores:

Finally, rodents are still the biggest victims of animal experimentation. They account for around 94% of all animals tested during this period, or 551,045 small herbivores. Here are a few illustrations:


We demand that laboratories systematically use alternative methods, as required by law, and that professionals be trained in animal-free testing. We also call on our political representatives to allocate real funding to research into these methods. A strong political will translated into action is needed to overcome the stagnation and finally adopt an innovative approach!

To put an end to these cruel methods, which condemn millions of sentient beings to suffering and death every year, join us in calling for an end to animal experimentation through ethical change translated into action. You too can write to the Minister of Higher Education and Research: download the model letter.


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