Animal experimentation: guinea pigs killed to manufacture homeopathy, the State condemned to transparency!
Sugared pills infused with guinea pig lungs? We couldn’t let this project, considered by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research as animal experimentation, pass without knowing more. Faced with the authorities’ reluctance to provide us with documents that were supposed to be public as soon as 2022 when we requested them, we won our case before the Paris Administrative Court.
After a hearing on May 16, 2024 and a two-week wait, the Paris Administrative Court ruled in our favor. We now look forward to the prompt communication of all data in its possession!
Killing guinea pigs to manufacture homeopathy
94 guinea pigs are involved in this project. First, they are tied on their backs by their legs. They then undergo an injection into the abdominal cavity, followed by an intravenous injection. Then their necks are broken to remove their lungs. All to produce homeopathic treatments.
As always when it comes to animal experimentation, the authorities refuse to be transparent. To obtain the precise files submitted for this experiment and the opinion of the ethics committee, we were forced to take legal action.
One Voice, a real counterweight according to the government commissioner
“I’d like to pay tribute to the One Voice association, whose work is truly of public interest and a real counterweight.” These were the words with which the government commissioner for the Paris Administrative Court began reading her conclusions on May 16.
The Ministry argued that we should have made do with the minimal data available online. The court rejected this argument, pointing out that the information available to the public is far from complete. From now on, the State has three months to send us all its data!
Another victory, a few weeks after INSERM was condemned to hand over the forced-swimming images of rats and mice, after a pitiful attempt to argue that automatic camera recordings should be considered artistic and covered by copyright.
More and more companies are abandoning these practices, and three quarters of French people are opposed to animal experimentation. Despite this, dozens of similar projects are authorized every day. So join us in calling for an end to these outdated methods, and write to the Minister:
Updated on June 2, 2024 at 9:15 pm with the addition of a link to the project under attack.