Galliforme hunting suspended in Ariège in 2021: moving towards an annulment? Hearing on 15 march 2024

Galliforme hunting suspended in Ariège in 2021: moving towards an annulment? Hearing on 15 march 2024

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Although our emergency action made it possible to prevent the massacre of ten rock ptarmigans and thousands of grey partridges in the Pyrenees (mountain Galliformes), in Ariège, we are now waiting for the Toulouse administrative tribunal to definitively decide upon the illegality of this decree published by the department’s prefecture in September 2021. The hearing is set for 15 March 2024 at 9:30am.

Updated 2 April 2024

Victory in Ariège! With their decision on 29 March 2024, the Toulouse administrative tribunal has definitively cancelled the decree authorising mountain Galliforme hunting in 2021. Our emergency interim proceedings have already allowed the urgent suspension of this law and have saved the rock ptarmigans and grey mountain partridges used as targets. Let’s hope that the prefect and hunters have heard the message: the time has come to put the guns down and to leave these birds (and all other animals too) in peace.

Always there when it comes to harassing animals to death, the Ariège prefect had authorised, for the 2021-2022 season (like they did for all the others…), the hunting of thousands of grey partridges in the Pyrenees (20 per shooter!) and ten rock ptarmigans. Within a few days, we had obtained an urgent suspension of this decree.

In Ariège, prefects and hunters go hand in hand with galliformes

The judges’ decision left no room for doubt: authorising the deaths of hundreds of birds directly endangers the very survival of the entire population that is already subject to so many threats. The time for urgency has passed and the legal system will now definitively decide on our request, scarcely a few months after having cancelled the decree relating to the 2020-2021 season.

How many rulings do there need to be before these birds are left in peace?

Although frustration is high in the face of this determination to organise the massacre of thousands of these individuals who simply just wish to live, we will continue to give them a voice and defend their existence wherever they are targeted. Since 2020, in Ariège, our actions have allowed thousands of them to be saved (or even the whole species if we are to believe the judges), in line with our numerous victories in France in Autumn 2023.

For the hazel grouse, rock partridges, black grouse, rock ptarmigans, and grey mountain partridges, for all beings inextricably linked to mountainous landscapes, killed for the sole pleasure of a small minority of individuals, and for so many others, support our requests for them by signing our petition for a radical reform of hunting!

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