Dolphinariums Dolphinariums


The situation

Dolphinariums: the dignity of large marine animals takes a hit

Orcas and dolphins lead miserable lives in the concrete tanks of dolphinariums, where none of their basic needs are considered. Trained by hunger, condemned to turn in circles without any entertainment, they die slowly with the sole aim of entertaining visitors.

Concerned about their future, One Voice is fighting relentlessly for the transfer of these captive marine animals to a marine sanctuary. Our association represents France on the board of Dolphinaria Free Europe.

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Our fight

Why are we fighting against the exploitation of animals in dolphinariums?

Born to roam the oceans

How can we imagine that cetaceans, born to roam the oceans in complex social groups, can thrive in captivity? It is strictly impossible to meet the welfare needs of individuals torn from their families, condemned to promiscuity in small tanks, forced to take part in degrading shows and subjected to a noxious environment (treated water, noise, sunlight). No independent expert will certify that a captive cetacean is happy to be so.

Dolphins and orcas are so intelligent that keeping them in captivity is a form of torture.Dolphins and orcas are so intelligent that keeping them in captivity is torture. Their life expectancy is cut in half!
Lori Marino
Neuroscientist and cetacean specialist

Orcas and dolphins in captivity: muzzled giants

Like humans, cetaceans have a language, dialects, social ties and traditions. When they are forced to survive in concrete tanks where there is nothing to do, the anxiety generated is so powerful that it provokes aggressive, stereotyped and often dramatic behaviour. We think of Aïcko (“little love” in Japanese), separated from his mother and drowned on 6 November 2016, his body covered in bites. Or Moana, a captive at Marineland d’Antibes, who died in 2023 at just 12 years of age, when the life expectancy of orcas in the wild is between 60 and 90 years.

Our battle without borders, with the experts

Since its creation in 1995, One Voice has been working with internationally renowned experts, including Doctors Naomi Rose and David Perpiñán, to help monitor and free captive cetaceans. For years, our investigations have denounced the illegal capture of cetaceans in the oceans, exchanges between parks destined for reproduction and synonymous with broken families, and the deplorable conditions in which these sensitive and intelligent animals are held.

On behalf of Inouk, Wikie, Keijo and all the others

In France, the law against animal cruelty voted in 2021 stipulates a ban on shows with wild animals in 2026 and the end of dolphinariums, except for those with research programmes. Planète Sauvage and Marineland have such programmes.

Key figures

An alarming fact

water parks still exist in France
captive cetaceans worldwide
countries keep dolphins and orcas in captivity worldwide
I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation

Our proposals

Our proposals to the French government

  • Recognise cetaceans as animals, as has been the case in India since 2015.
  • An immediate ban on shows and breeding in dolphinariums.
  • Ban on the transfer of cetaceans, with the exception of sanctuaries.


Discover all our resources on the subject of dolphinariums


Nearly 30 years of battles and victories against dolphinariums

orque marineland

September 2020

On 29 September 2020, Barbara Pompili, the French Minister for Ecological Transition, announced an end to the breeding of cetaceans in captivity and a halt to the acquisition of new animals by parks. We deplore the lack of details on animal exchanges, the timetable and its implementation.

delphineau planète sauvage

May 2020

Our investigators once again went to the Planète Sauvage park to check on the health and living conditions of the captive dolphins. A few days after our visit, Amtan gave birth to a baby dolphin that did not survive a week. The park asked us not to broadcast the videos and demanded €100,000 in damages. This will not silence us. Our legal action for Aïcko is still ongoing.

Inouk marineland orque

December 2019

Marineland d'Antibes is threatening to send the orca Inouk to China, a country where there are no laws to protect animals. We are mobilising the public with the "A sanctuary, not China" campaign and alerting politicians so that Inouk is placed in a sanctuary. The complaint we have lodged for acts of cruelty is still pending.

Inouk marineland malade

May 2019

Demonstration in front of Antibes town hall for Inouk, sick, with gnawed teeth, and a life other than at Marineland. On the basis of scientific expertise, we filed a complaint for acts of cruelty and a petition was launched. John Hargrove, former supervisor of the park's animal keepers, is at our side. By keeping protected animals captive, this park must prove that it is doing something for wildlife. We must take action to obtain this document!

Ula orque malade Loro Parque

January 2019

Ula, Morgan's daughter, whose illegal birth was celebrated by Loro Parque Park (Tenerife), is between life and death. This baby orca is sick, deformed and isolated... the scientists consulted have never seen anything like it. With Ingrid Visser and Matthew Spiegl (Free Morgan Foundation), we are defending mother and daughter in The Hague (Netherlands), where this dramatic exploitation took place...

December 2018

Uncovering the trafficking of 97 juvenile orcas and belugas illegally captured and sequestered in the Sea of Okhotsk (Russia) for resale to Asian marine parks. In April 2019, One Voice is supporting the expedition (Jean-Michel Cousteau, Whale Sanctuary Project, Ingrid Visser), which has secured the release of these very sick cetaceans.

October 2018

In the absence of a response from the Minister for Ecological Transition and Solidarity for a new order banning the reproduction and exchange of cetaceans, One Voice is taking legal action against the State. We are asking for €500,000 for the moral prejudice caused by its failure to act, a sum intended for the creation of a marine sanctuary.

Femke dauphin parc asterix

September 2018

Emergency at Parc Astérix. Demonstration at the Oise prefecture, then at the "leisure" park: Femke's condition, sick, almost immobile on the surface, with no interaction with the other captives, demands it. Our petition reached over 100,000 signatures. Mobilised, scientists signed damning reports that were brought before a court that continued to deny the evidence!

Aïcko expertise

August 2018

It's taken a year and it's still not over! The autopsy report, marred by imperfections, conceals the errors in Aïcko's care. One Voice has asked the judge for a second opinion, because according to our expert's report, Aïcko was force-fed whole fish when a tube should have been used, and he vomited through the vent then threw himself against a wall when he was put back in the water. "Petit amour" drowned, his larynx dislocated.

Honey dauphin japon

August 2018

Against oblivion! The last dolphin in a closed marine park in Japan, Honey is dying. She's all that's left! And where is Martinha, rescued on a beach and then held in a swimming pool for a decade? Is she still alive? The Portuguese authorities say so, but cannot prove it! Campaign for the closure of Attica Park in Greece (where Ekinox, Femke's son, has been transferred even though it is forbidden to show animals to the public there).


July 2018

Muriel Arnal is at Superpod, a world conference on cetaceans and is presenting our battles: Femke, Aïcko, but also the other captive orcas Wikie, Inouk, Keijo and Shouka. Here, at the CWR (Center For Whale Research), of which One Voice is a member, Ken Balcomb is following the tragedy of the decline of Pod J, a group of resident orcas, one by one, sadly confirmed a few weeks later by the death of Scarlet and Tahlequah's calf.

Liberté beluga

July 2018

One Voice with the Whale Sanctuary Project! Little White and Little Grey, two 12-year-old belugas held at the Shanghai Aquarium, are about to be set free at the Icelandic marine sanctuary. It's a release project that's absolutely worth following!


Summer 2018

We are campaigning to present each of the orcas held in France: Wikie, Inouk, Keijo, Moana, but also Shouka the exiled, and to denounce the fate that dolphinariums everywhere reserve for them. Lolita, Kiska and Morgan are the sad figureheads of this international campaign.

March - June 2018

Our campaign is being organised in March 2019, soon to be joined by our partner Sea Shepherd France, against a proposed oceanography centre in Dieppe, with hundreds of thousands of sensitive individuals to be put in jars in 120 tanks, just a few metres from the English Channel. Also in the north of France, we have been protesting for several months in a row for the captive and dying manta rays and sharks at Nausicaa, the Boulogne-sur-Mer aquarium.

March 2018

One Voice wrote to Minister Nicolas Hulot, urging him to adopt a new decree incorporating the essential elements of the previous one: an immediate halt to the trade and reproduction of captive cetaceans. In July, as the French representative of the Dolphinaria Free Europe coalition, One Voice was received by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Solidarity to emphasise the urgency of this!

January 2018

Disaster. After a partial suspension in July 2017, the "dolphinariums" decree issued on 7 May under Minister Ségolène Royal was annulled on 29 January 2018 by the Conseil d'État on procedural grounds. This annulment brings the totally obsolete 1981 decree back into force.

October 2017

One Voice is at the biennial conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy in Halifax (Canada). Three marine sanctuary projects were singled out for taking in released cetaceans: the Whale sanctuary projects, the Beluga sanctuary project and the Baltimore National Dolphin Sanctuary. The association is following these projects.

May 2017

One Voice and its European coalition are producing a cartoon clip recounting the lives of Femke, Inouk, Galéo and Aïcko, because children have the right to know their sad truth.


Faced with the determination of One Voice and 19 other NGOs, the government of Saint Lucia (Caribbean) has halted the project to build a new dolphinarium submitted by the operator Dolphin Discovery (Mexico).


The Tribunal de Grande Instance (High Court) in Nantes has granted One Voice's request for a legal expert report to determine the causes of Aïcko's death. Despite numerous warnings, he died alone and very prematurely in a Planète Sauvage (44) tank in November 2016.


One Voice is up in arms against a draft ministerial decree that risks perpetuating the marine circus system and is mobilising a large number of people. Victory! The ministry has given the animals their rights and banned breeding, exchange and import programmes in France, a form of suffering which, if it does not spread, will die out...


One Voice is launching an emergency procedure for Femke, the dolphin at Parc Astérix, who has been in a terrible state since her only son Ekinox was transferred to a Greek dolphinarium.A veterinary assessment, a request to the authorities and a summary court procedure have been launched to deal with the urgency of the family's suffering, which augurs the worst.


Following China's request to capture orcas and other marine mammals in Namibia, One Voice is relaying the opposition campaign by Walvis Bay activists in France.


An additional complaint against Planète Sauvage was lodged on 7 November concerning Aïcko, whose condition was dramatic. His death was announced on 9 November, leading One Voice to ask the Préfet to look into the situation.


Campaign to oppose the transfer of two dolphins from Parc Astérix to a dolphinarium in Greece.


The campaign began for the dolphin Galéo, whose worrying state of health was revealed following an investigation carried out in collaboration with Dr Ingrid Visser. A petition was launched to free him and a complaint was lodged.


Investigations in dolphinariums continue, with increased vigilance over the orcas at Marineland.


One Voice denounces the dolphinarium project at Beauval zoo, which will be abandoned.


Publication of a report in favour of cetaceans.

campagne fermeture delphinariums


Start of the campaign to include the closure of French dolphinariums in the Biodiversity Act, following the death of Valentin at Marineland d'Antibes.


Weekly distribution of a booklet on the history of the dolphin Iris and a map showing the presence of dolphins throughout Alsace.


One Voice and global associations specialising in the defence of cetaceans have joined forces to launch the Dolphinaria-Free Europe coalition with the screening of the film Blackfish at the European Parliament in Brussels.


One Voice, as part of the SOSdelfines coalition, is campaigning against dolphinariums in Spain.


To free Morgan, a young killer whale who was lost at sea and sent to a dolphinarium despite current legislation, One Voice is working with Orka Coalitie and the Free Morgan Foundation.


An educational kit has been developed on the theme of marine circuses.

manifestation contre les dauphins captifs


One Voice organises circles of silence for captive dolphins in the three major cities near a dolphinarium: Nantes, Nice and Paris.


One Voice is continuing its fight for the release of the dolphins in Port-Saint-Père and is stepping up its theatre and leaflet campaigns in parallel with its legal battle.


An audit commissioned by One Voice denounces the principle of dolphinariums: "Dolphins in captivity: a failed experiment". It has been sent to French and European MPs.


When the new dolphinarium project in Port-Saint-Père was announced, One Voice immediately put together an opposition dossier and launched an awareness campaign with actions such as a circle of silence and a theatre-tract: "Captive dolphins seek free humans". It succeeded in getting the issue taken to court, with legal action from 2007 to 2009, which delayed the opening.


Awareness campaign in front of the Japanese embassy.

enquete mammifères marins captifs


Ric O' Barry, a consultant for the association, returned to Taiji at the request of Time Magazine Asia. He then toured France to raise awareness of the problem of captive marine mammals.


Ric O' Barry, a consultant for the association, returned to Taiji at the request of Time Magazine Asia. He then toured France to raise awareness of the problem of captive marine mammals.


With the support of the Haitian authorities, One Voice is supervising the release of six dolphins that had been captured for the leisure industry. The Haitian environment minister wanted to send a clear message against the exploitation of dolphins. There are courageous politicians and countries that remain dignified, despite the difficulties they face!

manifestation massacre dauphins


One Voice is continuing its investigation in Japan with Ric O'Barry, the former Flipper trainer, who is returning to Taiji accompanied by journalists. An action is being organised in front of the Japanese embassy.


Launch of the "Peace for Dolphins" campaign. Dolphinariums where "swim-with" programmes are proliferating are targeted, particularly in the Caribbean, Antigua and Barbuda.


Campaign for the Kshamenk killer whale, the only captive killer whale in South America. She is held in a tiny tank in Argentina, where she lives in isolation, despite the fact that there is an inlet in the sea where she could be kept.


An exclusive investigation by One Voice in Japan proves for the first time the link between the Taiji massacres and the captivity industry. The images were broadcast around the world by the BBC in 2004, then to scientists attending the 19th conference of the European Cetacean Society in La Rochelle in 2005, as well as to the Whaling Commission. It was a tsunami for the global dolphinarium industry! At last, the public can see the hypocrisy of those who claim to be working to protect cetaceans!


Support for the Mexican Environment Minister who wants to ban the captivity of dolphins in his country. Some politicians are not afraid to get involved...


Mobilisation to ban the keeping of dolphins in captivity in Costa Rica, following the deaths of several females transported from Spain.Costa Rica will vote on a decree to this effect in 2005.


The capture of six orcas in Norway, which were destined for the Japanese aquarium in Nagoya, has been prevented.A magnificent victory against the captivity industry and a family saved!


Public mobilisation in France against the planned dolphinarium at La Mulatière, near Lyon, which will never see the light of day...


One Voice/Aequalis in partnership with SOS Grand Bleu, joined by a group of animal protection associations, are campaigning against the proposed dolphinarium at Port-Saint-Père. After six months of intense lobbying, we obtained a ban on the transport of dolphins from the Ministry of the Environment! Ten years of arm wrestling were to follow.

Our other battles

The situation
Our fight
Key figures
Our proposals
The situation
Our fight
Key figures
Our proposals
The situation
Our fight
Key figures
Our proposals