Leather Leather


The situation

To save their skins, we need to ban their sale!

Between environmental heresy, violence and animal and human mistreatment, the leather industry is a cruel and bloodthirsty industry. It legitimises barbaric practices, with the utmost disregard for animal rights and dignity, and abominable rearing and slaughtering conditions. The skins business is a tempting booty for many lobbies and industrialists, who do not hesitate to violate ethics in all its forms. One Voice has been fighting for many years against those who authorise and perpetuate these acts of cruelty, with complete impunity.

Our fight

Why are we fighting against the exploitation of animals for leather?

Meat and leather industries: death in the skin

The meat and leather industries work hand in hand to form a powerful and prolific lobby. Animals exploited for their flesh are generally the same as those exploited for their skins, and leather represents on average 40% of the profits made from the animal, and sometimes more if the animal is exploited solely for its skin, as in the case of crocodiles or snakes.

An industry that flouts animal and human rights

Our investigation in the Dordogne at the slaughterhouse of Sobeval, France’s largest luxury leather producer, revealed not only the spiralling suffering endured by the calves, but also the infernal pace to which the workers are subjected.
Parked in dark, overcrowded areas that are too small, the young cattle are injured and fall ill. Transport to the slaughterhouse is another ordeal: some animals die during the journey, particularly from heatstroke, trauma and respiratory diseases. Slaughter is no less cruel: our investigators were able to see the fear in the eyes of animals aware of their fate and their panic when confronted with the slaughter gun.

Leather and the environment: a toxic relationship

Tanning hides requires large quantities of water and chemicals, particularly nitrate. The European companies involved are now subject to several directives and to the REACH regulation in order to reduce the impact on nature. Unfortunately, to circumvent environmental measures, the leather industry does not hesitate to relocate to countries where legislation is at best lax, at worst non-existent: Tunisia and Bangladesh are sad examples of industries with dramatic health and environmental consequences. A cocktail of no fewer than 300 different toxic substances is discharged with impunity into nearby waterways, without any prior reprocessing.

Bangladesh exports the equivalent of €141 million worth of tanned hides every year, mostly to Europe, to supply the cheap shoe and leather goods industry.
One Voice spokesperson

Key figures

An alarming fact

of a farmed animal's profit comes from its hide
substances are discharged into the environment without reprocessing
billion animals are killed every year worldwide for the leather trade
I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation I make a donation

Our proposals

  • Refuse products made from leather: Make the choice not to buy products made from leather. With the Animal Free label supported by One Voice in France, you can identify products that come from responsible fashion that respects animal rights.
  • Make a donation: By making a donation to the association, you will enable us to continue to denounce and raise awareness of the ethical and health problems of the leather industry.


The whole story of the fight


In October, Gucci announced that it was joining the Fur Free Retailer programme and would stop using fur in its next collections. This is the culmination of several years' work for One Voice and its partners in the Fur Free Alliance!


One Voice intervened in Prague, with its partners from the Fur Free Alliance, with members of parliament from the Czech Republic. By a large majority, they banned the farming of animals for their fur in their country... just a few weeks after a similar decision in Germany! In France, our VisonsLeRespect petition was successful, based on an investigation and report on several French mink farms.


La Redoute in "fur-free" mode: a leading French mail order company has signed up to Fur Free Retailer, the ethical programme run by One Voice in France for its international coalition.


Following One Voice's investigation into French Angora rabbit farms, PETA and One Voice are organising a shock action in Paris to question the Minister of Agriculture about this cruel industry.


A historic partnership signed with Franck Sorbier, a major name in Haute-Couture, who is committing his company to One Voice's Fur Free Retailer programme. Ethics also have their labels...


The revelations about six French mink farms have shaken up the industry... Reported by numerous national and foreign media, and on a dedicated website (VisonsLeRespect.fr), the images from this campaign provide a less than glamorous insight into the other side of the French luxury industry. Mistreatment, suffering and lies...


One Voice is releasing never-before-seen footage of its months-long undercover investigation into Angora rabbit farms. The campaign was covered by the media worldwide. A petition was launched and a complaint lodged against one of the breeders who admitted selling his rabbits suffering from cancer to a laboratory.


The LPP group is abandoning fur in the collections of its various brands thanks to the work of the Fur Free Alliance, with Open Cages and in partnership with One Voice.


Armani is going fur-free thanks to the work of One Voice and the Fur Free Alliance and is committed to our Fur Free Retailer programme.


A major cruelty-free fashion show is being organised in Shanghai by ACTAsia in partnership with One Voice, in the presence of famous names in fashion.


One Voice is leading the Fur Free Alliance internet campaign in France for World No Fur Day, organised on 27 November.


The Fur Free Retailer Programme (FFR), developed within the Fur Free Alliance, has been set up in France by One Voice.


Hugo Boss, convinced by the Fur Free Alliance, has announced that it will be abandoning the use of real fur in its collections from autumn-winter 2016.


The Spanish group Inditex, known for its Zara, Massimo Duti and Bershka brands, is going fur-free thanks to the work of the Fur Free Alliance, of which One Voice is a member in France.


The Caring for Life programme was launched in China with ACTAsia, with the aim of educating the younger generation to be kind to all forms of life. The commitment of Kiki, a seven-year-old girl who distributed No Fur China badges and explained to her classmates why they should refuse fur, was quickly emulated. Her school became one of the programme's pilot schools, and Kiki was named Caring for Life's best ambassador!


As part of the Fur Free Alliance, One Voice is lobbying the European Commission against seal hunting in Canada.


French restaurant owners mobilise against seal hunting, as part of the FFA's international campaign.


The first large circle of silence against fur was organised in Paris, at Place des Innocents. Others will follow across France.

The situation
Our fight
Key figures
Our proposals
The situation
Our fight
Key figures
Our proposals
The situation
Our fight
Key figures
Our proposals