Exploitation for the entertainment
Why are we fighting against the exploitation of animals for entertainment?
The exploitation of animals for entertainment is an aberration
How can we teach children respect when animals are ridiculed and mistreated before their very eyes? Yet this is the reality of circuses and dolphinariums, at the heart of One Voice’s fight.
Training is violent
You have to subjugate, through fear, violence and hunger. Any means are good! Wild animals come to fear the whip more than fire, elephants the spike more than the pain of the postures they are forced to adopt… when they don’t go mad, like dolphins who commit suicide, or orcas who kill their trainer.

A daily life of deprivation and abuse
Unsuitable or even unhealthy detention conditions, constant exposure to noise and stress, beatings and intimidation… The daily life of dolphinariums and circuses puts the animals they exploit to a severe test. At One Voice we believe that these shows flout animal rights and normalise violence and submission from a very young age. This is why we are campaigning and dedicating our actions to putting an end to these aberrations throughout the world!

Corrida: behind the scenes
In the arena, the bull’s agony is staged. He is subjected to bone-breaking runs, his flesh is methodically slashed with spikes and banderillas, he is bled until he is stunned and then he is stabbed to death before being mutilated. No bull escapes. No bull ever does. If he gets the upper hand, if he hurts the “star in lights”, he will be judged guilty and shot.

Key figures
An alarming fact
Stop !
animals in shows
Acting together
Get involved
at our side
Don't be an accomplice to the torture of dolphins and orcas!
Refuse to attend shows where cetaceans are exhibited and interactive experiences often offered to the public. The suffering of dolphins and orcas is immense, and their captivity must end!