Become an activist Become an activist

Become an activist

Join One Voice

Would you like to get involved in protecting animal rights?

So join a radical but non-violent movement. Joining One Voice activists means working in the field: distribute our documents, get involved and take part in demonstrations, actions and information tables! 

Get involved

Do you have the soul of a warrior and the desire to speak up for animals?

So join a radical but non-violent movement. Joining One Voice activists means working on the ground: distribute our documents, get involved and take part in demonstrations, actions and information tables!


Our petitions


What does it mean to be an activist?

Joining the One Voice campaign means above all being driven by the desire to build a fairer world for everyone. But above all, being an activist means taking action: raising awareness around you, leafleting, brandishing banners, chanting slogans and sometimes exposing yourself to criticism. But reducing hatred is worth the effort.

What kind of commitment do you make on a daily basis?

The world wasn’t built in a day, and neither will building tomorrow’s world. The most important thing is to roll up our sleeves! Whether it’s one weekend a month or much more, you can get involved at several levels, depending on your availability and your wishes. We don’t dictate the pace, so you can get involved as you like!

How can I become an activist?
  • Find the One Voice office nearest you. Our activist network already has 22 branches, 20 of which are active in France’s biggest cities. From Nantes to Montpellier, let’s get together and roar!
  • Contact us by e-mail at or contact us directly on this website. The contact person for your delegation will get in touch with you and answer all your questions. He or she will welcome you with open arms as one of One Voice’s new driving forces.
  • Finally, it’s D-day, your programme is ready and you have joined one of our “One Voice volunteer” groups to communicate with your new comrades in arms. Prepare your leaflets and banners, put on your shoes, all that’s left is to take action!

Find your nearest antenna

Muriel Arnal

President of the One Voice association

The name One Voice literally means "one voice", the voice of human and non-human animals, the voice of the planet. Today, all living beings are liable to be victims of violence and our duty is to defend them so that their dignity is respected.

Don One Voice

Would you like more information?

Is this your first time as an activist? It's normal to have questions. Or are you a seasoned activist and want to join the One Voice pack? Whatever your situation, our expert activists will answer all your questions and guide you step by step.