Historical announcement: in an answer to One Voice, the national order of veterinarians condemns wild animal shows in roaming circuses and thus legitimizes one voice's combat for their release
The National Order of Veterinarians, “organization empowering the exercise of the veterinary profession in France [and] the guarantor of the competence of professionals and their ethics”, takes a stand in the fight that leads One Voice to release wild circus animals, including elephants Maya and Lechmee and hippopotamus Jumbo.
The National Order of Veterinarians, “organization empowering the exercise of the veterinary profession in France [and] the guarantor of the competence of professionals and their ethics”, takes a stand in the fight that leads One Voice to release wild circus animals, including elephants Maya2 and Lechmee3 and hippopotamus Jumbo4.
Indeed, in its response (received on October 10th, 2017) to Muriel Arnal, Founding President of the One Voice Association who asked its position5. The National Order of Veterinarians, through the voice of its President, Veterinary Doctor Jacques Guérin, declares to adhere to the recommendation of the Federation of European Veterinarians (FVE) to ban the use of wild mammals in traveling circuses. In addition, he confirms that the conditions under which animals are held cannot meet their physiological and social needs. It states that this opinion was taken following a long process of expertise and scientific validation.
For Muriel Arnal, the opinions of veterinary inspectors and veterinary practitioners are rendered invalid because they go against the meaning of the opinion of their professional order, which guarantees their “competence and ethics”: “In view of this decision position, the State will have to explain to us how their veterinary inspectors can make reports that conclude to the welfare of animals in circuses. The same goes for the veterinary practitioners who came to Tours at the circus festival, or on other occasions, notably at the circus holding Jumbo, at the request of the world of circuses, to say that all was well. Who are they kidding? Meanwhile animals are withering and dying in trailers! “
One Voice yesterday asked the Minister of Ecology Nicolas Hulot requesting that the state draws on all consequences of this opinion and takes its responsibilities urgently.
This answer from Mr. Jacques Guérin will also be communicated:
- Magistrates in charge of investigating the complaints of mistreatment and cruelty filed by the association One Voice,
- The courts seized by actions for annulment of refusals by the Prefectures to withdraw the said animals from the circuses,
- And the Council of the State, which must rule on the legality of the order called “Circus”