A united gathering "Hunting: A deadly problem ", Saturday 13th October 2018 at 2pm, at the Place de la République in Paris
day after the resignation of Nicolas Hulot, more than forty
associations who support the conservation of animals and nature find
themselves united together to march against hunting on October 13th
in Paris. Hunting is responsible for more than 45 million deaths of
animals each year in France, not to mention the “collateral
victims”. These major players demand an immediate and in-depth
reform of hunting before its final abolition. A petition, listing the
10 key points has already accrued 130,000 signatures.
Independence of the Police
regarding hunting; -
Prohibition on hunting species
considered in danger; -
Prohibition on hunting during
the breeding periods; - Prohibition of traps that
kill; -
The end of hunting known as
“traditional trapping methods” (glue, crushing, snares,
nooses…); -
Abolition of underground
hunting of all species; -
Abolition of hunting for all
species; -
Abolition of hunting in
protected areas (National Parks, Nature Reserves, Biological
Reserves); -
2 days per week without
hunting or trapping (including Sunday) and during all school
holidays; - Mandatory annual medical visit
for hunting license with eye sight testing.
partners of the rally for a radical reform of hunting
Action Nature Rewilding France
AIA – Animal Interfaith Alliance (Grande Bretagne)
AJD – Animal Justice et Droit
Alliance Anticorrida
Animal Cross
Animal Testing
AOC – Alliance des Opposants à la Chasse
ASPAS – Association pour la Protection des Animaux Sauvages
AVA – Abolissons la Vénerie Aujourd’hui
AVES France – A Voice for Endangered Species
C’est Assez!
CACC – Collectif pour l’Abolition de la Chasse à Courre
CCE2A – Collectif Contre l’Expérimentation et l’Exploitation Animale
Collectif animalier 06
Collectif Chats 100% Stérilisation Obligatoire
CNDA – Confédération Nationale de Défense de l’Animal
CVN – Convention Vie et Nature
CRAC Europe – Comité Radicalement Anti Corrida
CREL – Fédération pour la défense et la protection des Lévriers
Education Ethique Animale
Ensemble pour les animaux
Faune Alfort
FAADA – Fundación para el Asesoramiento y Acción en Defensa de los Animales (Espagne)
FLAC – Fédération des luttes pour l’abolition des corridas
Fondation Brigitte Bardot
Galgos Ethique Europe
L’Animal et l’Homme
La Voix des Lévriers
La Voix des Loups
LAEO – Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization
League Against Cruel Sports (Grande Bretagne)
LRBPO – Ligue Royale Belge pour la Protection des Oiseaux (Belgique)
No Corrida
OABA – Oeuvre d’Assistance aux Bêtes d’Abattoirs
One Voice
P-WAC – Project for Wildlife and Apes Conservation
Paris Animaux Zoopolis
Peta France – Pour une Ethique dans le Traitement des Animaux
FFPA – Fédération Française de la Protection Animale
RAC – Rassemblement pour une France sans Chasse
Refuge animalier de Brax
Sea Shepherd