December 7th: Jane Goodall will be with One Voice in Tübingen!
On December 7, One Voice, Doctors Against Animal Experiments and Cruelty Free International are organizing an event to call for an end to the use of primates in neuroscience, with Jane Goodall at their side.
The chosen location: Tübingen, Germany, where Léa and her six macaque companions, born in French parks and sent to the Max Planck Institute for invasive experiments on the brain, are notably locked up. Since December 2014, One Voice has been campaigning for their release and return. The mobilization follows a joint investigation by our partners in ECEAE that revealed the horror of brain experiments and trepanning. The investigation report from the German police following the investigation is under examination by an expert for several months now. His conclusions are anticipated…
Around Jane Goodall, Sir David Attenborough and 19 other scientists, primatologists and animal welfare experts, who have recently called for the cessation of all cruel primate testing in laboratories. In the European Union, 6,000 of them have been victims already each year. One Voice, who has been a referent of the animal experiment group in the Animal Policy collective, welcomes this call for the abolition of experiments on apes. France is the European country that experiments the most on them.
To attend the conference (which will be held in English), you can purchase a ticket at www.goodall.aerzte-gegen-tierversuche.de
“My team and I have been studying chimpanzees (…) for over 50 years (…). We have also studied baboons and other monkeys and there is no doubt that they also experience suffering, fear, depression, anxiety, frustration and many other emotions. Closing our close relatives in laboratory cages and subjecting them to experiments, often stressful
and painful, is morally unacceptable to me. Restricting their movements and depriving them of water is inhuman and extremely cruel. We do not have the right to exploit them in this way for any reason”,
Jane Goodall said.