Stop construction of new dolphinarium in Bulgaria!

Stop construction of new dolphinarium in Bulgaria!

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Together with The Last Cage, let’s fight against the construction of a new dolphinarium in Burgas, Bulgaria!

For several years, The Last Cage has been working towards closing down Bulgaria’s only dolphinarium, in Varna. However recently, the plan to build the country’s second, in Burgas, has emerged. Let’s join forces with the Bulgarian organisation to stop this marine animal prison from coming into existence.

Photo: Juanjo Tugores/

As in France, mayors in Bulgaria think purely from an economic perspective. Only jobs matter, even when created to the detriment of wildlife and when biodiversity is plundered and destroyed forever.

The latest major project for the large maritime city of Burgas, Bulgaria, is a marine park with a dolphinarium. The Bulgarian organisation, The Last Cage, is urging local politicians to get involved so that they too can take a stance against this backward project. Penguins, seals, dolphins and thousands of fish will be imprisoned there for life. Dolphinariums are insatiable, always leading to more wild animals being captured.

The industry of captive animals – a permanent threat to nature

The pandemic impacting us now is undoubtedly associated with animal exploitation. It has led to the confinement of more than half of the human population. Yet, there are those who still do not grasp that, as far as imprisoning animals in the post-pandemic world is concerned, enough is enough! The construction of marine sanctuaries is what we really need.

Together with The Last Cage, let’s call upon the project heads and Bulgaria’s elected representatives, namely their Minister for the Environment and the Mayor of Burgas. Sign their petition en masse to stop this project from ever seeing the light of day!

Translated from the French by Mahersh Shah

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