Botulinum toxin: for the mice, the fight continues!

Botulinum toxin: for the mice, the fight continues!

Animal testing
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Sloan Pharma continues the cruel LD50 test, which kills thousands of mice by poisoning! A week of action has been organized from 29 June to 4 July.

We thought their ordeal was almost over, alternative methods being preferred – finally – by the major laboratories. But there is one that still uses the cruel LD50 test: Sloan Pharma continues to sacrifice mice by the thousand! A week of action has been organized from 29 June to 4 July in order to persuade this company to follow the path of progress. Help us to stop mice being poisoned!

Progress and ethics

Under pressure from the ECEAE (European Coalition to End Animal Experiments), of which One Voice is the French representative, the laboratories of Allergan, Merz and IPSEN have one after the other chosen to use experimental methods that are for the most part more modern, efficient and ethical, thus halting the annual massacre of thousands of mice. However Sloan Pharma killed 46,800 in 2019 alone!

How the mice suffer

Mice are injected with botulinum toxin and remain conscious while paralysis slowly sets in. They suffocate for a long time before dying of asphyxiation. It continues to be a terrible death for almost 400,000 mice every year in Europe. Alternative tests for each type of toxin have already been or can easily be developed. It is high time that European science took ethics and progress seriously!

A week of action

The ECEAE is organizing a week of action from 29 June to 4 July to persuade Sloan Pharma to stop sacrificing mice. Your indignation and support will be extremely useful to us. Therefore we are asking for the production of Neurobloc© to be suspended until an alternative test has been developed, and we invite consumers to boycott this product during this time.

You will find here a model letter to send to Sloan Pharma to indicate your commitment to ensuring the survival of the mice.

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