Dumba in Germany, finally far away from life on the road
Dumba received a visit from our investigators in a permanent circus for elephants in Germany. Our legal proceedings are underway in France and Germany.
Our investigators travelled to Germany to see how Dumba was doing at the Elefantenhof Platschow settled circus near Hamburg. She is finally far away from the touring and isolation; nevertheless she is still exploited. But our legal proceedings in France and Germany are underway and we will never give up on her.
Under pressure from FAADA in Spain, us in France, and with the support of Free The Wild, led by Cher along with members of the public from around the world, the touring life is over for Dumba! And she is no longer alone. Surrounded by other elephants, she is nevertheless still exploited. Our investigators went to see her twice in a kind of permanent circus, near Hamburg in North Germany, since her arrival there at the end of February.
Her living conditions at Elefantenhof Platschow are far from good. In fact, the place is managed by circus artists and she has to take part in routines for an unaware audience or pose for souvenir photos. Because there are non-stop visits and celebrations of all types (birthdays, marriages…) being organised, where popcorn is sold and people get on the elephants, training is ever-present and compliance is constant.
The photos and videos that our investigators reported have made it possible to understand her conditions of confinement. The legal proceedings are therefore underway in France and Germany. There is no question of throwing in the towel or giving up on Dumba! Her place is in a sanctuary, for example at Elephant Haven, our partner in France where we have a place reserved for her, certainly not in a settled circus where she remains exploited and threatened with a stick.
Translated from the French by Joely Justice