Tuesday 19 July 2016 | 17

Emergency: Wolfs and wolf cubs in danger

Emergency: Wolfs and wolf cubs in danger

Mis à jour le 28 April 2019

Hr blog

The wolves of Savoy have been the target of the Prefect for a few days now and they need you, your peaceful presence in the places they frequent, because they are threatened.

After the slaughter of a nursing wolf in the department, leaving her cubs defenceless and without food ... it is the turn of her companion who tries the impossible to feed her young, to be targeted, with other wolves. The associations for the defence of animals and nature are mobilizing to prevent these massacres.

If you are on holiday or if you have free time, if you like hiking and watching wolves is your interest ... You can help us.

We need witnesses, on the spot who can take turns morning and evening essentially since during the day the sector is quite well attended by observers, in order to watch and monitor the area (Méraloup sectors, ruines chien-loup Chavanu, Les Jeux, the Charmettes, Le Loup ruine), and to alert us if anything happens. Take with you a camera and a mobile phone and go out in two’s, it's safer.

We remind you that every citizen is free to walk is these areas and is entitled to check what is happening on the ground, but of course remaining within the law, in a 100% peaceful way. If ONCFS agents, officers of the law, park rangers or other uniformed authorities ask you to follow them do not resist. We are not here to provoke confrontation, but to observe and testify. We did this for the ibex of the Bargy, successfully, today it’s the wolves who need us.

Thank you for your mobilization!

Contact: info@one-voice.fr

Hr blog

In the subject

Wolves: the European Commission in favour of massacring them New wolf captivity areas? It’s a no!

Comments 17

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Tibibi | Sunday 01 January 2017

Quelle cruauté! C'est honteux, tuer ainsi ces pauvres loups. Ils ont le droit de vivre au même titre que les humains. Personne ne doit décider la mort des animaux!!!

Brassart Patrick | Tuesday 02 August 2016

Non à la lâcheté cruelle de l'abattage des loups !

jean loup | Tuesday 02 August 2016

J'aime les loups mais pas Ségolène !!!

françoise | Sunday 24 July 2016

Je suis très choquée et en colère de ce qui se passe moi aussi. Hélas pas tellement surprise par ce type de comportement. Les animaux sont mes amis, les loups sont des merveilles.
Les chasseurs les tuent, pourtant ils n'ont pas faim eux !! Mais en tuant des loups, il se disent qu'ils auront plus de "gibier" à tuer, les loups leur sapant parfois ce plaisir.