Sunday 15 November 2020 | 15

Airline cuts ties with cruel primate trade

Airline cuts ties with cruel primate trade

Mis à jour le 11 February 2021

In May 2020, Action for Primates joined with Animal Rights Florida Foundation (ARFF) and One Voice to alert our supporters about a pending shipment of monkeys from Mauritius to the US. As many as 1,200 monkeys were to be exported for use in experiments or toxicity (poisoning) testing. We urged people to ask Skybus Jet Cargo, who had been hired to fly the monkeys on the extremely long journey, to reject the shipment. The response we received to our action alert from people around te world was overwhelming, demonstrating the widespread public concern there is on this issue. However, despite this Skybus did not respond to our concerns, so we feared that the shipment had gone ahead as planned.

Hr blog
This week, we learned of a breach of contract lawsuit filed against Skybus Jet Cargo by a company called International Logistics Support. When we read the complaint, it was clear that the lawsuit was about the shipment of monkeys in our action alert.

Skybus Jet Cargo apparently had cancelled the shipment, in part because of "certain political activist organizations". On behalf of the monkeys, we are happy that Skybus chose not to get involved in the cruel primate trade.

The surprise victory reminds us of a quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi: "You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results." We are grateful to everyone who contacted Skybus Jet Cargo in response to our action alert!

The court files also revealed that Matthew Block, an infamous US primate dealer, is an owner of International Logistics Support. Matthew Block, founder of Worldwide Primates, has a felony conviction from 1993 for smuggling orangutans, known as the 'The Bangkok Six' case, that left three orangutans dead.

Further, in 2018, it was reported that Block pleaded guilty to a federal charge of intentionally conveying false information through the mail, in an attempt to frame animal campaigners in Florida. Block accepted five years of probation and agreed to pay $14,872 for the cost of the police investigation.
Hr blog

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Comments 15

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Eden | Thursday 26 November 2020

Il faut que tout ça cesse et que nos amis les animaux vivent librement!

Nounoune | Friday 20 November 2020

Bravo à tous ceux qui s’impliquent pour la protection des animaux !

Velasco Consuelo Serena | Friday 20 November 2020

I am against poisoning and against the transport of 1200 macacihi to the Skybus Jet Cargo company, in charge of transporting the animals, let's stop this torture.
Velasco Consuelo Serena

Christine | Wednesday 18 November 2020

Je remercie One Voice, l'ARFF et tous ceux qui ont oeuvré à ce résultat.
Que ce soit pour leur image (Skybus) ou un peu d'humanité, c'est toujours un petit pas de fait, même si l'avenir de ces macaques reste inchangé.
J'espère que les singes de l'Ile Maurice et de toute la planète pourront vivre un jour sans être inquiétés. Nous dévastons déjà leurs territoires. Je pensais que le prélèvement d'animaux sauvages était interdit depuis bien longtemps. Je veux bien rêver, espérer, mais les combats d'il y a 50 ans (enfant) sont toujours à mener (ménagère de plus de 50 ans) et j'ai bien peur de mourir (vieille) sans voir la fin de ces calvaires.
Dans sa généralité, l'homme n'apprend rien, l'homme n'évolue pas, l'homme est un barbare qui se repait de cruautés gratuites ou rémunératrices. Il invente des mots (respect, liberté, fierté, compassion, compréhension, empathie,...). Il se dit seul être intelligent, se qualifie de supérieur, mais il ne respecte aucun de ces mots, n'en ressent aucun.