Monday 11 July 2016 | 35

Three elephants in the prairie

Three elephants in the prairie

Mis à jour le 05 March 2018

Lechmee, Mina and Kamala, who are now quite old, are still locked up in the Medrano circus. Thanks to Code Animal and One Voice, they can have the retirement that they deserve in a sanctuary in France. It is just up to the circus to make this choice.

Hr blog

Three elephants walk in the prairie. The blind Lechmee is guided by her friends, Mina and Kamala, to the chestnut trees where she inhales the smell of the leaves and delightedly muzzles the rough bark with her trunk. Hills and scattered clumps of trees stretch out around them, with crop fields and the road on the foggy horizon. Lechmee can't see any of this, just vague shapes, but she feels it, she listens, and she shakes her ears. She is happy. The noise of the circus is behind her. After fourty-three years of noisy fanfares and cracks of the whip, she finally discovers birdsong, mumbling conversation with her two companions and endless promenades in the heather land against the setting sun.

How peaceful! How exquisite it is to finally live for these much-travelled elephants! Born in Asia in the 1960's, they were taken away from their families and then bought as children by Tyseley Pet Stores. Once in Britain, Lechmee, Mina and Kamala were first sold to the Chipperfield circus, and then found themselves under the iron rule of the Medran circus, but luckily always together.

Today, their suffering has ended. Lechmee and her friends have come to the Elephant Haven sanctuary, in the Périgord-Limousin regional park, receiving the very best care from the elephant experts there. They have joined other elephants, all tired by a life in captivity, who occasionally jump into a compulsive dance from one foot to the other, or swing their trunk manically. The trace of chains will remain in their minds long after the physical signs have gone, probably forever. Their memory is powerful, they can recall every detail of their violent lives: the prods in their groin, barked orders, the shouting of the crowd, the shows, the travelling, the carparks and the freezing mornings with the pain in their joints against the metal lorry floors. Lechmee has lost the use of her front right foot, and can only move slowly now. But her friends wait for her and stay close, as they always have done.

We have to stop dreaming now…This happy picture is still just a dream. Lechmee, Mina and Kamala are still shackled to the Medrano circus and still take part in shows. Lechmee is required by the 18 th of March 2011 decree to be placed in a fixed residence, due to her state of health. But not on her own, this would kill her, and would destroy her two companions. These old elephants, who have been inseparable for half a century, should be able to live the rest of their lives together in peace. This is what Code Animal and One Voice are asking for with Elephant Haven.

Their destiny is hanging by a thread. One word. One decision. The circus can allow for a dignified and peaceful retirement for its elephants in a natural sanctuary. This gesture would be received by the public with gratitude.

If this decision is not taken, Lechmee, Kamala and Mila will die one by one from exhaustion, without ever having found the happiness of walking free, unchained, as when they were children. And that will be a failure for everyone.

But we don't think for an instant the Medrano circus will make the right decision!

Yvon Godefroid
Hr blog

In the subject

Justice for Jon, Céleste, Patty, Hannah, and Marli: hearing in Évreux against the Cirque de Paris Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Comments 35

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Maud froger | Thursday 11 August 2016

Je ne mets plus les pieds dans les cirques depuis mes 8 ans, j'en ai aujourd'hui 66.

val | Thursday 11 August 2016

Libérez ces éléphants, les cirques avec animaux sont une insulte à l'être vivant doté de sensibilité et d'intelligence. Il est temps d'apprendre à se distraire sans faire souffrir ces pauvres animaux sans défense !! L'homme est plus bestial que la bête !
Un geste humain et responsable du coeur !!! Libérez ces éléphants !!

fanfan | Thursday 11 August 2016

Libérez ces éléphantes car elles ont travaillées assez et elles ont droit à votre reconnaissance et votre compassion. Laissez leur le temps de vivre un peu, elles ont le droit de finir leur vie en toute quiétude. Je pense que vous avez du coeur alors s'il vous plaît laissez les se reposer et avoir un peu de bonheur dans leur vie qui n'a pas dû être facile. Merci pour elles et pour tous les gens qui aiment les animaux et préfèrent les voir heureux dans la nature qui est leur mère nourricière en premier et Dieu leur créateur vous en sera reconnaissant je pense.

Olivier | Thursday 11 August 2016

Du bonheur pour tous. Arrêtez d'emmener vos enfants voir les cirques d'animaux. Éduquer vos enfants au respect des libertés de chaque individu sur terre. Faites le pour vous, pour eux, pour nous.
Il y des années, nous allions voir des êtres humains dans des cirques ou des zoos. Nous nous sommes révoltés et indignés et ils ont disparu.
Continuons à évoluer, continuons à nous révolter, à nous indigner. Les cirques avec des animaux disparaîtront.

« Le jour où les humains comprendront qu’une pensée sans langage existe chez les animaux, nous mourrons de honte de les avoir enfermés dans des zoos et de les avoir humiliés par nos rires… ».
Boris Cyrulnik