Wednesday 11 January 2023 | 27

The Muller Circus is changing... But only by name. For the animals, nothing has changed!

The Muller Circus is changing... But only by name. For the animals, nothing has changed!

Mis à jour le 21 February 2023

The Muller Circus is displaying a new name and is now presenting itself as ‘Cirque Zavatta’! A lick of paint out front will not be enough for us to forget either the confinement or the exploitation of the animals. We will continue to fight to free Jumbo and his companions, until they are sent to a sanctuary.

Hr blog

Updated 13 January

Addition of voice messages left by Franck Muller on our Facebook page

While the Muller Circus has received a little too much bad publicity, rather than changing and starting to an activity that does not exploit or train animals for example, they have changed their name! This is what we noticed a few days ago when, as if by magic, the stickers covering the circus performers’ lorries were adorned with the words ‘Cirque Zavatta’. A very practical way for this family to cover their tracks, with criminal charges piling up against them from illegal set-ups, incitement, violence towards activists, and death threats, as well as being a repeat offender of animal suffering. Who could be fooled?!

How can we forget Jumbo, whose existence boils down to rotting in a lorry-cage or basin, alone, for more than thirty years? How can we forget as well the all-day-long imprisonment of the monkeys and the tigers, who only escape boredom to perform in humiliating shows?

The Muller Circus is no longer welcome and they know it. No change of name or sticker will make us throw in the towel and give up our fight for the animals exploited. Their hell must come to an end!

Following the publication of this article, Franck Muller left us two voice messages on the Association’s Facebook page as follows:


Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Mélanie Durand
Hr blog

In the subject

Justice for Jon, Céleste, Patty, Hannah, and Marli: hearing in Évreux against the Cirque de Paris Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Comments 27

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docteurphilphlout | Saturday 10 June 2023

Quelle vulgarité ! Mais ça n'est n'étonnera vraiment personne.

Country | Thursday 09 March 2023

Un cirque d'un autre temps, un patron brutal qui se croit au-dessus des lois et brave élus, autorités et préfets. En attendant les animaux sont les malheureuses victimes de ce cirque délinquant. Inadmissible.

Valy24 | Tuesday 28 February 2023

Je souhaite que Jumbo et les autres animaux en souffrance depuis trop longtemps soient libérés et placés dans des lieux adaptés, entourés de leurs congénères et d’un personnel aimant qui saura prendre soin d’eux !!!!

keria | Monday 27 February 2023

Que d'efforts pour faire des enquêtes, suivre la piste de ce cirque, démontrer leur état de captivité en détention, que de mobilisation pour un grave sujet qui sévit depuis 1 siècle 1/2 et qui est victime de trop de silence, trop de nihilisme, de néant pour prendre en compte la souffrance des animaux et ceux qui les supportent pour porter leurs voix ! A quand un changement de mentalité et de traitement surtout ? Surtout qu'entre les catastrophes naturelles et les I.A, les hommes et les dieux ont fait leur Histoire, une histoire de séquestration et de tortures et n'a que peu de temps pour la changer !