Friday 04 August 2023 | 13

The decree listing species likely to cause damage has been published. As promised, we are challenging it!

The decree listing species likely to cause damage has been published. As promised, we are challenging it!

Mis à jour le 25 October 2023

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition has just published on 4 August 2023 the decree listing species likely to cause damage for the next three years. This law will consequently allow, via prefectural decrees, the trapping and slaughter of the animals listed on it in addition to the hunting period that they are already subjected to... Visibly preferring wildlife and animals dead rather than alive, the Ministry has therefore just published a law that also condemns hundreds of thousands of individuals.

Hr blog

Beyond the principle of considering animals as harmful (or pests) by nature, we also challenge this method that regulates how they are chosen, which is totally distorted from the start. The game is rigged for weasels, martens, foxes, crows... the agricultural and hunting lobbies are completely free to organise the declarations of damage on which the list is based at the French Departmental Commission for Hunting and Wildlife (CDCFS - Commission départementale de la chasse et de la faune sauvage).

If anyone still believes that the government was keen to defend wildlife and biodiversity, it is time to open their eyes. In reality, they are organising its decline in the more or less short-term. In this case as in so many others, hunting is well and truly a deadly problem.

The Ministry is deaf to public opinion

In total, 49,266 opinions were received on the public consultation led by the Ministry. 70% of participants were opposed to the classification project that they proposed – which is 5% more than the previous decree. Yet the final law is a complete copy-and-paste of this project, to which 7 out of 10 people were opposed to!

As we have announced, we are going to file, as are other associations, a plea before the State Council to fight this nonsense and to defend the animals being targeted by French authorities. Economic interests or human hobbies cannot systematically lead to the massacre of living beings who are just as significant!

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Is it the end of underground hunting with hounds? Five new victories! Foxes: the legal battle continues... Stop this carnage!

Comments 13

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Hélène | Monday 11 September 2023

Être à la merci des gens qui aiment traquer et tuer : ce gouvernement est celui qui a versé le + de subventions aux chasseurs et cet argent est notre argent. Nous ne sommes pas entendus ni écoutés. Face à la disparition des espèces d'animaux sauvages à cause de la chasse mais aussi de la destruction des écosystèmes, réchauffement climatique et sécheresse, il est urgent que ce gouvernement retire sa liste et interdise toute chasse : tous les animaux sont utiles pour l'équilibre de la nature et cela n'a pas besoin d'être prouvé.

Josiane | Wednesday 23 August 2023

Leur habitat est détruit par l'humain (disparition des arbres, terres agricoles), le feu, les inondations (ceux-ci n'étant pas seulement la conséquence du réchauffement climatique qui lui-même est provoqué par l'humain).
Sous le terme de "régulation" il convient de lire pour "les loisirs de certains humains égoïstes non respectueux de l'animal"

Shogun 74 | Wednesday 23 August 2023

Comment tolérer de telles décisions ? Massacrer de pauvres animaux, c'est révoltant, indigne de la part de nos dirigeants ! Réchauffement climatique, catastrophes naturelles, la terre brûle, toute la faune brûle, au lieu de la protéger, on autorise sa destruction, pauvres animaux, ce ne sont pas nos eux qui vont vous protéger !

Moon | Monday 21 August 2023

Les hommes ont envahi la planète ; il n'y a plus de place pour les animaux qui eux étaient les premiers habitants. Honte aux chasseurs.