Tuesday 28 February 2023 | 20

The bird poacher has been convicted! One Voice triumphant

The bird poacher has been convicted! One Voice triumphant

Mis à jour le 03 April 2023

The deliberation of the case of the robin and blackcap poacher was given on the same evening during the hearing at the Toulon Tribunal yesterday, 27 February 2023. The octogenarian has been convicted and hundreds of birds have thus been spared in the process! We are extremely happy with this decision.

Hr blog

The man, accustomed to breaking the law for years and a repeat offender was confronted with his actions during the hearing: photographs of the birds found dead after having been trapped, tricked by the sounds of their fellow birds being played on a tape player, were shown, and they were very telling. The chairperson pointed this out. Inspectors from the French Office of Biodiversity, who had drawn up the offence report and whom the accused had attempted to bribe, were themselves very moved on the stand.

Just one step from poaching to blackmail.

At the hearing, the defendant tried to argue that he had learnt to hunt robins and Eurasian blackcaps with his grandfather (as if this would be more excusable...) and that he could not do without it.

Unashamedly, the accused even gave the court a doctor’s note, which the chairperson read out loud, in which the doctor argued that the old man needed to hunt small birds for both his psychological well-being and his protein intake! And that depriving him of it could lead to great psychological distress or even suicide. The chairperson said that they were outraged by such a note, stressing that the doctor did not need to threaten the court or blackmail them with suicide.

A sentence worthy of the crimes!

He received a good legal sentencing: a six-month suspended prison sentence; a criminal fine of one thousand euros and a contravention fine of five hundred; publication of the ruling at his expense for two months (town hall, newspaper, and website); withdrawal of his hunting licence and a three-year ban on another being issued; a ban on possessing a weapon for three years; and, finally, the confiscation his seals.

Small birds, in France, when they are not victims of famine, disturbed by the lights and sounds of urban spaces, or even taken by glue and othertraditional hunting traps, areoften poached. We are celebrating this decision, which drives home our commitment against a France that kills birds.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

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Comments 20

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Patricia | Wednesday 15 March 2023

Pour son apport en protéines, il devrait se nourrir avec du tofu, des pois chiches, du quinoa.....Bien plus protéinés que la viande.
Honte au médecin qui aurait dû écoper d'une amende sévère et publication dans les journaux du nom de ces deux malfrats.

Mme loup | Thursday 09 March 2023

Ce qui est ABOMINABLE AUJOURD'HUI, Ce sont les PIEGES pour différentes espèces d'animaux, PETITS ou GRANDS, CELA EST SORDIDE ! IL FAUT ARRETER CELA !

Isaline | Tuesday 07 March 2023

Merci pour ce compte rendu, et je suis ravie de voir que ce sale bonhomme en à pris plein les dents ! les oiseaux vont enfin être tranquilles dans leurs coins. Quant au médecin, c'est sans commentaire !
Merci à Madame la Présidente et tous ceux qui ont œuvré dans cette triste affaire.

anne | Tuesday 07 March 2023

Magnifique! Merci au Tribunal de Toulon qui a émis un jugement équitable car il règne bien trop souvent un laxisme coupable dans le domaine de la tenderie: laxisme de la part des tribunaux, peur des représailles de la part des voisins qui n'osent dénoncer. Je regrette cependant le sursis. Le médecin aussi devrait être poursuivi.