Thursday 10 March 2022 | 6

SOS for Ukraine’s animals

SOS for Ukraine’s animals

Mis à jour le 09 June 2022

Since bombs have been raining down on Ukraine, thousands of animals have been abandoned after the mass extinction of their human families, or left in shelters which have become inaccessible. Since the start of the conflict, we have been by the side of our partners, who are on the border and on site, to bring them the best help possible. Help them!

Hr blog

Photo: UAnimals

The media has relayed deeply moving images of Ukrainians leaving their country with their pets in their arms. Escape, yes. But not without them. Not without their best friends, fully-fledged members of the family. Unfortunately, crossing the border with a dog or cat makes exile even more difficult still. Thus, many refugees face a terrible dilemma: leave their animals behind or stay by their sides, under bomb attacks... those who made the choice to leave were heartbroken. The others stayed, risking their own lives... and many have already lost theirs.

Today, thousands of cats and dogs are roaming the streets without anyone to take care of them. And those who found themselves in shelters before the start of the war are also deprived of food and care due to logistical issues to get it to them. Volunteers are dedicating their bodies and souls to try to help them, until the ultimate sacrifice: their own existence.

We are making use of everything to take part in rescues. At the start of the conflict, we immediately got in contact with the Ukrainian association UAnimals, our partner, to see how we could help bring them the best and most effective help possible. More than anything, it is about being by their side to save lives. Join our action with them as well as with our previous partners, Otwarte Klatki in Poland, and Magyar Szőrmellenes Liga in Hungary, in order to lend a helping hand to the accessible shelters! Transporting food to all of the cats and dogs in distress is a huge challenge. Thank you.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Marie-Sophie Bazin
Hr blog

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Comments 6

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Stéphane | Sunday 20 March 2022

Un grand merci aux équipes de One Voice, votre travail est vraiment formidable !

Dominique | Sunday 13 March 2022

Merci à l'association One Voice et à ses associations partenaires en Pologne et Hongrie et à tous ces anonymes qui au péril de leur vie essaient de sauver nos amis les animaux.

Sab | Sunday 13 March 2022

Bravo à toutes les équipes de One Voice pour ce combat !!! Tous mobilisés pour tous les animaux de la terre entière ❤

Françoise | Friday 11 March 2022