Monday 26 December 2022 | 4

Sand Rarity is working with One Voice against animal testing

Sand Rarity is working with One Voice against animal testing

Mis à jour le 13 February 2023

The cosmetic brand Sand Rarity offers natural products that are also healthy for our skin and the environment. Committed to not testing their products on animals, they are joining us in our fight to respect animals, humans, and the planet.

Hr blog

Photos: ©Sandy Boget

Just created and already committed. Launched in November 2022, the French cosmetics brand Sand Rarity is the latest brand to have obtained the One Voice certification label that says no to animal testing.

They offer products with natural origins and whose key component is prickly pear seed oil: a face soap, a day cream, an eye contour serum, and a massage candle. Soft on the skin, they have all been created in Savoie and Haute-Savoie and aim to combine beauty with ethics.

Natural and local, the products curated by Sandy Boget, the creator of Sand Rarity, are also guaranteed to come without animal suffering. The brand did not want any of their components to be tested on animals and refuses to market their finished products in any country requiring such tests. This is why they naturally got involved alongside One Voice and now proudly display our label on their website.

This commitment for animals is crucial at a time when institutions such as the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) are still calling to restart testing cosmetics products on animals, despite European laws that are supposed to protect them that were passed in 2003 following a relentless battle by One Voice and its partners.

More than 1,400,000 of you signed the Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), which we campaigned for with all our strength, and we thank you for that! While the campaign to collect signatures finished at the end of August, we will still need your support for laboratory animals. Let’s remain vigilant; we will not let them be forgotten!

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Marion Henriet
Hr blog

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Comments 4

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Patricia | Friday 03 February 2023

Bravo ! Et merci pour les animaux.
Plus nous serons et plus vite nous y arriverons.
Ne pas attendre les pouvoirs publiques pour changer les choses.
C'est à nous ensemble d'agir.

Yvabra | Friday 03 February 2023

Encore un progrès dans cette lutte contre l'expérimentation animale, ce qui me réjouis bien sûr ! Continuons le combat !

Occicat | Thursday 02 February 2023

👏👏👏et Metci pour eux … tous ces innocents qui payent pour l homme

trochu | Wednesday 28 December 2022

C'est merveilleux, réconfortant et cela fait chaud au coeur à chaque fois qu'il y a de nouvelles marques qui s'engagent en faveur des animaux en refusant de tester tous leurs produits sur eux, du début à la fin. Cela signifie tout de même, que nous parviendrons entièrement à faire cesser et interdire définitivement de telles horreurs sur ces êtres vivants que sont les animaux, à des fins esthétiques. Bien évidemment, nous ne pouvons abandonner à leurs tristes et misérables sorts tous les animaux détenus dans l'horreur et l'enfer des laboratoires,. Nous ne les oublions pas et ne les oublierons jamais, jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient tous libérés et hors des mains des tortionnaires que sont les chercheurs. Nous y parviendrons aussi car ces exploitations et utilisations d'animaux pour la recherche ne sont qu'insoutenables et inacceptables.