Tuesday 04 April 2023 | 18

Montbéliard stray cats: One Voice is asking the town council to take responsibility.

Montbéliard stray cats: One Voice is asking the town council to take responsibility.

Mis à jour le 24 May 2023

Once again, One Voice has been warned by supporters about the fact that a town council is refusing to implement neutering campaigns for stray cats. Today, it is the Montbéliard mayor who is threatening to take away shelters for stray cats on the basis that it should stop proliferation.

Hr blog

Even though the Montbéliard Town Council had had shelters installed for stray cats a few years ago, they have just realised that this did not prevent cats from continuing to reproduce! In response, they threatened to take away the shelters, instead of proceeding with a neutering campaign. A petition for the attention of the town council was also launched by the inhabitants and those protecting cats in the neighbourhood.

One Voice therefore wrote to the Montbéliard mayor today to inform her of her misunderstanding and to remind her that the legislation in place requires mayors to get stray cats neutered before using a pound service.

The essential rallying and the letter we wrote to the Songeons Town Council have finally paid off given that the Mayor has realised his error and repealed his decree. We hope that the Mayor of Montbéliard does the same.

Sign our petition for the implementation of a national plan to put an end to feline straying.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Lola Rebollo
Hr blog

In the subject

Illegal animal adverts online: One Voice is filing a complaint against Leboncoin Feline straying: one year later than the set deadline and still no government report in sight

Comments 18

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olivo | Monday 01 May 2023

Madame le Maire, nous sommes en 2023, et il faut que vous stérilisiez les chats errants de votre commune, et non pas les rendre plus malheureux dans leurs conditions de vie (enlèvement des cabanes !!).
Merci pour eux.

JULCA | Monday 10 April 2023

Si les Maires sont responsables, comment les mettre face à cette obligation ? Le nombre de communes à s'engager dans des campagnes de stérilisation est faible. Mettre des abris est un premier pas et le plus facile à faire mais sans gestion de la gente féline, cela ne peut que favoriser la prolifération dans les quartiers où ils sont situés.
Il y a sûrement sur Montbéliard (et dans les autres communes de France) des associations capables d'aider à l'organisation de campagnes de stérilisation.

Sandrine | Monday 10 April 2023

Il y a une loi, il faut qu'elle la respecte.

LOUNABI | Sunday 09 April 2023

A quand, la stérilisation obligatoire des chats errants en France ?
C'est invraisemblable : on est toujours en retard sur tous les autres pays dans bien des domaines et, en France, la maltraitance animale n'a pas fini d'avoir de beaux jours devant elle !!!