Thursday 08 February 2018 | 142

Maya: The circus puts One Voice on trial and refuses to give any proof of life

Maya: The circus puts One Voice on trial and refuses to give any proof of life

Mis à jour le 05 May 2018

Maya has not been seen alive since November by our investigators. To dispel the fears and the rumour which has arisen, our lawyer contacted those of the circus: without reply! No return on her state of health or her state of wellbeing ... Today, our concern is immense.

Hr blog

The circus that owns and exploits Maya is suing us for losses on Tuesday 13th of February 2018 at 13:30 at the Tribunal de Grande Instance Strasbourg, claiming damage to their reputation and poor public attendance. They want to prevent us from continuing to publicly defend this elephant that is in great suffering.

They are charging us with a lawsuit, and they do not want to give any proof that Maya is alive!

We fear that she died during those long weeks when the circus had disappeared. Did he hide himself away so that we could no longer observe him and his circus, and to leave Maya in agonizing agony without us being able to raise the alarm? We have to know because we will continue to demand justice for her. Those responsible for her ordeal will not go unpunished. Our complaint for acts of cruelty is being investigated, and in January we sent additional information to the authorities in charge of Maya's case.

But we have to know where she is. We are in regular contact with the prefecture who decided to send an expert specialized in elephants to see Maya. But how can you do this without being able to find her? We ask you to write courteously to the prefect of Lot et Garonne, the guarantor to the welfare of animals living in its territory, to inform him of the anxiety that assails us concerning Maya. Is she dead? Did they hide her? In what conditions does she live now? Where is she? Is she even in France? Has she finished her days in the frozen loneliness of her transport trailer?

Thank you for your mobilization. For Maya and for all the circus slaves, our anger and our tears are immeasurable but we will not let this dampen our fighting spirit!

Twitter : @Prefet47
By mail: Mrs. Patricia WILLAERT, Lot-et-Garonne Prefecture, Place Verdun, 47920 Agen

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Justice for Jon, Céleste, Patty, Hannah, and Marli: hearing in Évreux against the Cirque de Paris Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Comments 142

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Stéphane | Sunday 18 February 2018

Je viens d'envoyer un message à la préfecture, via leur site internet :

tintin06 | Tuesday 13 February 2018

Bizarre et très opaque ce cirque de la piste d'or.
Meme chose pour la famille Falck, propriétaire.
aucune adresse sociale sur leur site internet, et un petit cirque qui a les moyens de se payer un avocat et une procédure judiciaire...
La justice devrait s'occuper plutot des revenus réels de cet établissement.

claudinha | Monday 12 February 2018

Madame, avec tout le respect que je vous dois en tant que représentante de la Nation,je dois vous avouer que j'ai souvent honte de mon pays que j'estime arriéré dans bien des domaines. J'ai 78 ans et j'ai assisté à des changements immenses dans tous les domaines technologiques, économiques, scientifiques mais en ce qui concerne l'ouverture du coeur à l'égard des animaux qui nous accompagnent sur cette terre c'est pratiquement le néant.Nous n'avons su que les exploiter pour en tirer le plus de profit, les torturer eux les sans voix.
Merci de mettre votre intelligence du coeur, votre pouvoir administratif à leur service, en l'occurence à celui de cette pauvre Maya esclave depuis toujours de sordides intérêts humains.
Avec toute ma reconnaissance.

chloe84 | Monday 12 February 2018

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