Friday 02 April 2021 | 12

Kludsky escaped French law and sent Dumba to Germany

Kludsky escaped French law and sent Dumba to Germany

Mis à jour le 05 April 2021

Barely more than forty-eight hours after the publication of our article announcing that we were initiating new legal proceedings and that we would be going all the way, Dumba’s trainer took off abroad. We followed Dumba’s truck on 20 and 21 February to a zoo which exploits elephants in Germany. Our legal proceedings continue in France and we are initiating others in Germany.

Hr blog

Photo : Maimona Bakkioui - Facebook

Leaving at dawn on 20 February, Dumba was confined and driven more than a thousand kilometres almost without stopping, until reaching another country.

Circus workers make it their speciality to escape the law

We emphasize what we have been denouncing from the start: circus workers escape the law of one country to another, without letting it overly bother them.

But they don’t know us if they think they can get away with it that easily: we followed their truck until their final destination, a zoo-type park, run by circus workers, where the elephants were shown to the public and forced to do so in large numbers. In short, Kludsky the trainer fled France for Germany and abandoned Dumba – who was for sale, let us remember, and returned to Spain to be left alone. Well that is what she thought.

The legal proceedings in France have implications everywhere

Having been issued with her proficiency certificate in France, our legal action continues to get it removed from her. Even in Germany, she will therefore no longer be able to exploit Dumba.

New legal proceedings in Germany

We are initiating legal proceedings in Germany. Whichever country it is, Dumba should not have to be exploited. The day before she arrived, 30 centimetres of snow had fallen in the park.

New regulations are underway

In France, what is being prepared is the legalization of these animal parks kept by former circus workers with more flexible laws than zoos, allowing the animals to be exploited again until they die. It is unacceptable.

For Dumba and all other animals in the hands of circus trainers, we will go to the end of our fight.

Translated from the French by Sophie Martin

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Justice for Jon, Céleste, Patty, Hannah, and Marli: hearing in Évreux against the Cirque de Paris Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Comments 12

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Béa | Thursday 22 April 2021

Pourquoi ne pas créer "une cagnotte" pour racheter DUMBA (puisqu'elle est à vendre) et la tirer au plus vite des griffes de ces circassiens ....

MARC | Thursday 22 April 2021

Stop spectacle d'un autre âge pensons à leur bien être


Annemarie | Saturday 10 April 2021

Free the wild
Don't lock up and abuse and use wildlife.
Leave the animals/ Elephants wild and free.
Release, Dumba to a Sanctuary before it's to late 🙏🙏🙏💔😭

Choumi | Tuesday 06 April 2021

Je partage entièrement le commentaire de Trochu du 3 avril. J'ajouterai qu'il faut aider à la mesure de nos moyens ces associations comme One Voice qui se battent pour le respect et une vie meilleure pour les animaux.