Tuesday 06 June 2017 | 12

I am an animal, an original exhibition in Paris

I am an animal, an original exhibition in Paris

Mis à jour le 20 March 2018

In central Paris, on the 29th of June, at the invitation of One Voice, Jo-Anne McArthur will present her thoughts on a selection of her best portraits. On display in an exhibition open until the 28th of August, each image describes a life, tells a story, talks about an existence... And gives hope to changing points of view.

Hr blog

From the 29th of June to the 28th of August, the town hall in the 2nd arrondissement (district) in Paris will host Jo-Anne McArthur's photographic exhibition, organised by One Voice.

On the 29th of June, the artist will be present for an exceptional conference, during which she will talk about her experience with each of the individuals on display.

A photo is not just a moment in time. It can also tell a story. Each of these individuals immortilised by Jo-Anne has a life, has his or her own existence. From their birth until the moment the photo is taken, they have grown, lived, had experiences, experienced emotions, and shared with others. They are an integrated part of this world. Their destiny has been shaped by the human. By saving them or condemning them, by imprisoning them or freeing them, by exploiting or showing them respect, the human has irrevocably influenced their life-path.

The moment captured by Jo-Anne is sometimes beautiful, often terrible. For the person discovering it it provokes strong emotion, a wake up call. And these lives, changed by the human, could modify the human in return. Perhaps these captured moments will help save lives, a flicker of the past painting the future...

For One Voice, working with Jo-Anne was an obvious choice. Her work captures the individuality of each being that she has come across, which One Voice is defending and wants to to be made known. They are animal people with their own experiences, and above all, the need to be protected. By organising this exhibition, One Voice hopes to touch people's hearts, change the way they look at these sentient beings, and influence current practices.

Hr blog

In the subject

Presidential elections 2017: answers from the candidates about the animal cause

Comments 12

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Polly | Monday 03 July 2017

Oui, c'est une TRES bonne idée : surtout faire tourner dans les écoles !!
S'il est difficile de faire changer un adulte d'opinion, c'est très tôt qu'il faut sensibiliser les adultes de demain pour qu'ils sachent et qu'ils voient que ce qu'ils ont la plupart du temps dans leurs assiettes, ils l'ont au prix de souffrances épouvantables.

Hervé | Saturday 10 June 2017

Oui tout le monde doit voir ce que l'on refuse de regarder, même quand on sait.
Le travail (voir son site) de Jo-Anne McArthur est bouleversant et demande un courage et un engagement fous. Je la salue au passage.
Merci à One Voice de relayer son combat.

wettlé | Wednesday 07 June 2017

Oui, c'est une très belle initiative qui est très importante et nécessaire afin de sensibiliser et informer toujours plus la population, et je partage l'avis de nombreux commentaires disant qu'il serait bien de ne pas diffuser que sur Paris étant donné que nous venons tous de régions différentes et donc afin que chacun chacune puisse profiter d'une si belle exposition concernant les animaux. Je pense également que ce serait une bonne chose que d'exposer aussi dans les écoles et collèges pour sensibiliser le jeune public qui est l'avenir pour le respect total des animaux, pour leurs considérations totales et leurs reconnaissances au même titre que pour les humains.
MERCI à One Voice et j'en profite encore pour préciser l'importance capitale pour la défense et la protection des animaux, d'élire aux prochaines législatives, un candidat du Parti Animal, les animaux comptent sur nous et ont tous besoin de nous, MERCI à vous tous d'y penser !

Jeanne | Tuesday 06 June 2017

Cette exposition devrait passer par les écoles et universités obligatoirement.