Thursday 22 February 2018 | 62

Humiliation for the circus, the court affirms our right to defend Maya!

Humiliation for the circus, the court affirms our right to defend Maya!

Mis à jour le 12 July 2018

The judge has taken the side of the freedom of speech for the defence of animals!

Hr blog

On February 13th, we were put on trial by the circus that owns and exploits Maya. The circus advocated censorship, forbidding us to defend her, demanding not only our silence, but our public apology.

Not fulfilling our mission was out of the question, we had to do everything in our power to defend the animals!

Justice has proved us right.

For several weeks, Maya was nowhere to be found, and our letters to the circus were left practically unanswered. They allowed the rumour to spread that she was dead, while they alone could dispel the doubt.

At the hearing, we learned that Maya was alive. The veterinary inspection requested by the Prefect had taken place the day before, and the circus had had her abscess treated at the hindquarters a few days before. We had raised the alert about this growth in October!

But a priori, nothing has been done for her feet, while her posture shows us in a blatant way that it is from there that she physically suffers the most! She gathers her feet under her, to make up for her weight from the back to the front and tries to relieve them by lifting them one after the other.

When we know that the vast majority of elephant health problems come from their feet, we can only worry about such a lack of knowledge. All the elephants at this circus were filmed trampling in their excrement, because they were stuck on the spot, we even filmed Maya drinking from a garden hose on the ground!

Maya’s stereotypical behaviour is also very worrying, it is related to her pain, but also to her impossibility to walk, an imperative natural need for elephants. Let us repeat, elephants are made for walking and the richness of a group life, and in circuses their mobility is all the more limited and this all year long. To this must be added the perpetual truck journeys, on winding roads that places great demands on the elephant’s feet and legs.

We will soon know if this veterinarian has taken into account her well-being as a whole or if he has focused only on the health aspect, as have the veterinarians of the circus so far.

During the hearing, the circus attorney repeatedly showed that he did not know the anatomy of an elephant and made use of bad faith as a specialist.

Selected extracts:

"Salières (temporal gland area) are towards the flanks" while in fact they are above the temples;

"Abscesses appearing on the hindquarters are usual past 50 years" while they are actually due to abuse.

"Maya is living in this circus, and not captive, she is part of the family, and is not considered a work tool ..." So, she can leave when she wants, right?

"All studies show that an elephant lives longer in captivity than in the wild ..." For us, a life of detention and exhibition is not a dignified life. In nature, they must be protected, and in captivity they must be released!

We have other actions planned for her in 2018, it is time that Maya get a little respite, and to be helped, this is a priority of her requirements! We also file a complaint against the ill-treatment suffered by Nelly and Brigit, the other two elephants held by this circus. These elderly and suffering elephants deserve, like all the others on this planet, an elephant life, not a Circassian life. They will not silence us! 

Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 62

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

fnsç | Wednesday 18 April 2018

Bravo pour Maya! C'est un début encourageant!
Pourvu que le courage et l'honnêteté des vétérinaires (les premiers sensibles à la souffrance animale enfin!) prennent le dessus, et que ceux-ci reconnaissent son véritable état de santé et l'atrocité de ses souffrances!

P | Friday 30 March 2018

C’est honteux

marie-agnes | Wednesday 28 February 2018

le plus important c'est qu'enfin les animaux soient interdits dans les cirques ; leurs conditions de vie sont très mauvaises que ce soit des animaux sauvages ou domestiques.
un été les chiens crevaient de soif, j'ai rencontré un circassien, je lui ai dit que son chien avait soif ; il m'a répondu que lui aussi avait soif ; je lui ai rétorqué que s'il avait soif il pouvait boire ce qui n'était pas le cas de son chien enchainé. Malheureusement je n'ai pas pu donner de l'eau au toutou qui me suppliait, pas accés à l'eau ; et il en est de meme pour tous les animaux des cirques. Que les animaux soient interdits, que les captifs soient confiés a des sanctuaires. Chez Pinder un soigneur frappe les animaux, hélas jamais pu prendre une video, il est tres mefiant. Ma mere etant contre les animaux dans les cirques nous n'y allions pas et mon fils, jamais allé non plus ; hélas beaucoup trop de parents participent à l'exploitation des animaux : cirques, delphinariums, maneges de poneys sans parler de la corrida C'est le consommateur qui fait l'exploitation donc à lui de prendre le pouvoir.

Audrey | Wednesday 28 February 2018

Quand on voit ce que l’homme - qui se considère comme un être supérieur - est capable de faire subir aux animaux, on a honte d’appartenir à cette espèce !
Tous les vétos devraient s’insurger contre la présence des animaux dans les cirques et delphinariums. Ils connaissent les besoins vitaux des animaux !
Quand le gouvernement se décidera-t-il à interdire les cirques avec animaux ? Au 21eme siècle, ces pratiques sont intolérables ainsi que le laxisme de ceux qui nous dirigent !