Thursday 04 February 2016 | 2

Food supplements go cruelty-free!

Food supplements go cruelty-free!

Mis à jour le 05 March 2018

The brand Catalyons has made history by adopting the One Voice label! Now, for the first time ever, their vitamins and other dietary supplements are certified "free from animal experimentation," vegan, and/or organic.

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A major first step

Catalyons' decision to adopt cruelty-free labeling marks a highly anticipated first step in the fight for consumer rights/ corporate transparency in France. Animal testing is still routine practice in the food supplement sector, although most consumers have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. Fortified foods and dietary supplements that extol consumer health benefits are almost always tested on animals, increasing profits for the animal experimentation lobby. Yet Catalyons has proved that ethical alternatives are both viable and accessible.

Brand engagement

The One Voice certification process requires real dedication on behalf of complying businesses. In order to obtain a label, One Voice asks that companies prove their commitment to cruelty-free practices at every step along the supply chain. After a thorough assessment, One Voice awarded its label to a series of Catalyons products, ranging from vitamins, food supplements (for humans and animals), and cosmetics (the complete list is available here). The blue label indicates that products have not been tested on animals and are free of animal by-products, while the orange label certifies that products are organic.

Support the movement

Animal-testing procedures that have become commonplace for the food industry can be easily replaced with more innovative techniques. Furthermore, consumers have the right to make well-informed decisions that reflect their convictions and consequentially influence supply and demand. Spread the word!

One Voice suggests that you to write to your favorite brand telling them that you would like to see them change their practices; let us know and we will support your efforts. Let's continue encouraging companies like Catalyons to make strides toward a more ethical future. 

Together, we can end animal testing!

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In the subject

The 2022 figures on animal testing have finally come out... and are not reassuring In 2024, mice and rats continue to be subjected to the worst experiments in French laboratories

Comments 2

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Alexandra | Saturday 13 August 2016

En effet toute torture est à notre époque inadmissible d'autant que les principes actifs de base sont très souvent connus depuis bien longtemps ,ce ne sont que des législations dépassées, des lobbies pharmaceutiques ( l'agroalimentaire étant lié aux firmes "chimiques") qui imposent ces massacres et ces souffrances.
Il est pourtant possible de choisir une autre éthique respectueuse de la vie.

annickviolette | Thursday 04 February 2016

Je suis ravie de constater qu'une nouvelle marque de produits en compléments alimentaires soit végan et donc absolument non testée sur les animaux. Je considère lamentable pitoyable et surtout inacceptable que la plupart de ce que nous consommons soit également testé sur les animaux dont des yaourts ou autres. C'est inadmissible et révoltant en tant qu'amie et militante pour la défense et protection des animaux, que ces marques-là testent sur des humains volontaires et non sur des animaux qui, eux, subissent et sont victimes de cruauté de torture intolérables et n'ont rien demander. Les animaux ne sont pas des objets ni des marchandises et encore moins sur terre au service de pseudo-humains !
Il faut, et toutes ces pratiques doivent changer définitivement.