Friday 22 December 2017 | 44

Faceless cruelty against dogs and cats: Do not let anything go!

Faceless cruelty against dogs and cats: Do not let anything go!

Mis à jour le 22 March 2018

Many dogs and cats are victims of acts of cruelty whose perpetrators remain unknown. The vigilance of Cell Zoe allows to identify these anonymous martyrs and to plead their case before the courts. Relentlessly, One Voice seizes every case, complains, and stands up against to this violence to stop it.

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There are the victims whose executioners are clearly identified and accountable in court. There is also the long list of those, often anonymous, who have suffered the worst horrors in the hands of strangers. Cell Zoe fights for them as for the others. One Voice brings a complaint in every case.

Abuse and murder everywhere in France

Extreme acts of cruelty, in many forms, occur regularly throughout France. Some recent examples, Last July, in Loire Atlantique, a motorist found the body of a cat in a car park with terrible wounds. The autopsy revealed that the poor feline had been violently tortured (eyes and hair torn off, skull smashed) and strangled with a cable.

Wednesday, August 16th, in the Somme, a drowned dog was fished out. The animal was drowned with a large stone attached to the leash. The same day, in a pond in the same department, another dog is also found drowned, locked in a cage. Thursday, September 7th, in the Yvelines, a kitten about 1 month lay under a parked car with a swollen eye, burnt ear and head injury. It took several days to put him out of danger. On Monday, October 23rd, an 18-month-old cat returned home, blood-stained, shot with a .22 calibre rifle, which caused a double fracture of his mandible and cut off part of its tongue.

In this same municipality of Meurthe-et-Moselle, since the beginning of the year 2 other cats have also been victims, this time from poisoning. At the end of November in Isère, the bodies of five hunting dogs shot by firearms were found in the forest. Three of them had their tattooed ears sliced off, making identification difficult. In contrast, the other two were chipped and an investigation is underway to find the owners.

The Zoe cell is on the side of all the victims

Failing to always find the culprits, then the Zoe Cell mobilizes to denounce these almost ordinary ignominies. Without its action and its many interventions, many acts of cruelty would never be condemned, or would even go unnoticed.

For One Voice this is unacceptable and our association is systematically complaining in every case of which it is aware. Not to react would be to give the perpetrators of these crimes against cats and dogs the opportunity to re-offend ... again against animals or even humans.

With us, do not let anything pass by! So that this barbarism does not rot society, support the campaign of the Link of the Zoe Cell and sign our petition so that all the violence is condemned, whomever the victim

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In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 44

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

seve | Thursday 15 February 2018

Quelle misère dans ce monde de fous ! LES ANIMAUX D'ABORD. Je ne cesserai jamais de faire ce que je peux pour toute sorte d'animal

Christiane | Sunday 07 January 2018

Déjà que la justice est laxiste pour les délits commis envers les humains, alors les animaux... ! Vraiment dernière roue du carrosse du roi Macron. Voilà pourtant un domaine dans lequel il pourrait innover par rapport à ses prédécesseurs.

NOE | Sunday 07 January 2018

Je suis tellement touchée au plus profond de moi par tous ces articles qui relatent des faits abominables envers tous ces animaux sans défense que je n'arrive même pas à lire l'article jusqu'au bout.
Bravo à toute l'équipe de ONE VOICE pour son courage et sa ténacité.
Il faut absolument que tous ces pervers malades soient punis très sévèrement.
Je suis de tout coeur avec dans vos combats.

stéphane | Saturday 06 January 2018

Ces monstres tarés qui prennent un animal, le maltraitent, ou le torturent jusqu'à la mort c'est une ignominie sans nom. À défaut de se défendre dans la vie ils, massacrent un être sans défense car ce sont des lâches et des faibles.
Si nos gouvernants et notre justice d'un laxisme et d'une indifférence épouvantables, devant tant de barbarie, faisaient enfin leur travail, nous n'en serions pas là et la barbarie ne serait pas devenue monnaie courante dans ce pays qui devient chaque jour plus inhumain et indifférent.