Monday 08 August 2022 | 9

Excellent news: Egyptair has put an end to transporting monkeys for labs!

Excellent news: Egyptair has put an end to transporting monkeys for labs!

Mis à jour le 21 November 2022

One Voice and its partners, Action for Primates and Stop Camarles, have recognised Egyptair's decision to stop sending monkeys to research laboratories, in particular subjecting them to toxicity testing (poisoning). Thanks to all those who have supported our joint campaign and have contacted Egyptair to ask the airline company to put an end to its woeful flights, again showing the strength of public opinion on this issue.

Hr blog

We revealed the role of Egyptair for the first time in March 2022, after having been contacted by a whistle-blower from the airport staff who was outraged at the transportation of hundreds of monkeys from Cambodia to the United States. Since then, the airline company has carried several thousand monkeys from Cambodia, Vietnam, and Mauritius to suffer and die in laboratories. But it has finally stopped! Egyptair has just confirmed in an email to PETA that they have not renewed their contract in June 2022.

The worldwide trade and transportation of monkeys for laboratories is an industry rooted in suffering and cruelty. Airline companies play a key role in this chain of suffering. Egyptair is therefore the latest to date on the list of airline companies who refuse to transport monkeys to their death, which seems to be getting longer each day after recent decisions from Air France and Kenya Airways to also put an end to their involvement in the brutal trade of lives. Despite all of this being good news, we are continuing to put pressure on the airline companies who continue to carry monkeys. There can be no rest while these shipments continue to happen.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Hr blog

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Comments 9

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Jenny | Tuesday 16 August 2022

C'est une belle victoire par rapport à cette compagnie. Mais j'ai bien peur qu'ils fassent appel à d'autres compagnies hélas

Cloclo | Friday 12 August 2022

Arrêtez tout ça
Les gens deviennent fous
On marche sur la tête et faisons n'importe quoi. Il est plus que temps de réagir et de dire Non à toutes ces cruautés immondes que subissent ces animaux sortis de leurs milieux naturels.

Franny | Thursday 11 August 2022

Excellente nouvelle que d'apprendre qu'Egypt air mettait fin à ses transports de singes vers les laboratoires contrebalancée malheureusement par celle de la compagnie Hainan qui, elle, les reprend vers ces laboratoires de la mort. Quand l'homme comprendra-t-il que ça ne sert à rien de torturer ces malheureuses bêtes dont on apprend, de surcroît, qu'elles sont sur la liste rouge des animaux en voie de disparition. Comme vous l'écrivez, la première étape de cette entreprise d'extermination, est le transport de ces animaux sauvages. Aussi, même si les laboratoires chercheront toujours par tous les moyens à convoyer d'autres primates, cette renonciation comme celles qui l'ont précédée, est déjà une victoire. Bravo et encore merci pour eux, nos amis, nos frères, nos semblables.

pouguy | Thursday 11 August 2022

c'est très bien de le dire, maintenant le fera-t-elle ? j'espère que oui