Thursday 05 April 2018 | 19

Enough is enough! Elephants must be saved from the hell of circuses!

Enough is enough! Elephants must be saved from the hell of circuses!

Mis à jour le 23 May 2018

Diana died on a highway ... in Spain, Monday, April 2nd after long years of captivity, shows, and hundreds of thousands of kilometres travelled. She had crisscrossed Europe and North Africa, in a trailer, not stopping, on resting places and car parks, only to receive spikes...

Hr blog

Her companions, Pira and Belinda (even older than Maya), Thai and Baby had also experienced the road accident. The screeching of tires, emergency braking, skidding, shocks from the chains, deafening noises from the twisting of sheet metal ... The elephants, filmed just after the accident, wandering on the road, wounded, shackled feet, in a clear state of shock . Diana was dying in front of their eyes at the side of the road, in the middle of the wreckage that was for so long her jail and which became her coffin. How are they to be treated? Have veterinarians been urgently dispatched? Are they elephant specialists? Have they also taken into account their psychological state?

In 2006, we fought with all our might to save them from the clutches of their current trainer. Their previous trainer had given them to him after his conviction in Germany for acts of cruelty. We were able to save Vicky, but Diana, her dear friend, Pira and Belinda stayed in the circus. What life do these elephants live under from this domination? These sentient beings, highly intelligent and sensitive, devote themselves to unfailing love. How can they endure permanent bullying? How will they recover from the trauma of this violent accident?

We are indignant. This masquerade has lasted too long!

Elephants have nothing to do in trucks on the roads! What a surprising way to treat animals supposedly protected by law!

How can the French state still tolerate or even encourage this? What shame for a country that allowed the signing of the Paris Agreement at COP 2! The majority of the population is opposed to the presence of animals in circuses. Recurring accidents show that it can be dangerous and even deadly for them as well as for humans. The shows are only demonstrations of strength, which asserts the domination of the human over animals and makes a mockery of them.

These accidents are not the result of fate or inevitability. They are the consequence of an escape from the administrative and the legislative. They do not take responsibility for the future generations. Wild animals, wherever they come from, are nevertheless part of the heritage of humanity that we will bequeath to future generations. Yet these elephants have been torn from their native land and locked up forever! Their existence is only survival, under the blows from humans seeking only profit. Their right to a real life and freedom, our species has stolen this from them.

The fight of One Voice for elephants held in France

We can easily compare the fate of Vicky and that of Lechmee. Both old and with paralyzed trunks. For over 10 years, however, Vicky has enjoyed a peaceful retirement. But Lechmee, though blind, is still in a truck! As Diana helped Vicky, it's Mina who helps Lechmee to feed herself. We will not give up so that they will be saved together.

For Maya, our fight continues. In March, a state expert, specialist in elephants, confirmed in his report what we have been claiming for a long time ... What to think of now in respect of the previous certificates from circus veterinarians! It took us several months of legal battles and public mobilizations to obtain this evaluation. And we start a new appeal for Maya, because she is still in the circus, despite the assurances given by the Prefecture who is responsible.

Finally, we send a letter to the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Support asking for the immediate withdrawal of elephants from circuses and the recognition of their fundamental rights, such as the right to liberty. We also remind the Minister of State that elephants have specific characteristics that make circus life unsuitable and harmful for them: they must be able to have at least a minimal life living in groups, have unlimited access to water and mud, to bathe and protect their skin, to eat several kilos of foliage and various fruits, to walk several kilometres a day, without suffering physically and mentally...

#JusticePourMaya #JusticePourDiana #JusticePourLesEléphants

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Justice for Jon, Céleste, Patty, Hannah, and Marli: hearing in Évreux against the Cirque de Paris Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Comments 19

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Chipie | Wednesday 21 July 2021

Bravo pour ce que vous faites pour les éléphants!
Ce sont des animaux extrêmement sensibles et intelligents qui n'ont rien à faire dans les cirques comme tous les autres animaux d'ailleurs !
L'être humain est de plus en plus débile!
Vous avez mon soutien dans cette noble cause.

laintje | Friday 06 April 2018

Quelle tristesse... encore un animal qui n'aura connu que la misère. Et malheureusement, cela n'en finit pas.
Mais, à chaque fois, j'en ai le coeur retourné.
De la souris à l'éléphant, aucun animal n'est épargné de la méchanceté, l'avidité, la cruauté ou simplement l'indifférence de l'humain.
Il est vraiment temps que les choses bougent, que l'animal ne soit plus considéré comme un bien de consommation, de plaisir ou autre...

PIMPRENELLE | Friday 06 April 2018

UNE HORREUR DE PLUS. Que la France décide enfin l'arrêt des animaux dans les cirques!!!. Nous nous voulons une grande nation et pourtant.... De nombreux pays européens ont interdit totalement ou partiellement les cirques avec animaux. POURQUOI PAS LA FRANCE ?
Ils sont nombreux néanmoins les parlementaires à l'Assemblée qui demandent une décision dans ce sens. Ils ne sont pas écoutés. POUR CEUX QUI SONT SUR LES RESEAUX SOCIAUX METTEZ LE TEXTE DE ONE VOICE. Alertez vos parents et amis pour que tous ensemble nous puissions mettre fin au calvaire des animaux du cirque.

JMB | Friday 06 April 2018

Cette pauvre éléphante est morte esclave et captive d'un cirque qui s'est enrichi grâce à elle, inadmissible! Interdisons tous les cirques avec animaux.