Tuesday 13 June 2017 | 107

On the march against violence !

On the march against violence !

Mis à jour le 06 April 2019

One Voice will participate on June 17th in this event for the cat Chevelu, tortured to death. Another recent case of violence against a woman and her animal companions shows that it is urgent that France finally adopts a real criminal policy of domestic violence including that of family animals!

Hr blog

At the end of May, in the city centre of Draguignan (Var), Chevelu came, confident, to these young barbarians who would become his executioners. Shards of bottle, they tortured him, tore out his eyes before throwing away his lifeless body. The perpetrators of these vile acts are still wanted, but are they really worried about the criminal consequences of their violence? These unnamed brutes have tortured this living being without fear of having to answer for their crimes before the law. By name, this cat was known as Chevelu. It is to do him justice that One Voice has filed a complaint.

It is also to ask for protection and repair for the cat Ganja and the dog Moana that the association was civil party in the trial which took place in Lorient, on the 8th of June.

Hr blog

In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 107

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SLEMO | Tuesday 20 June 2017


SLEMO | Tuesday 20 June 2017


skaia | Sunday 18 June 2017

qu on leur fasse la meme chose et la france tolere de tels individus

Chipie60 | Sunday 18 June 2017

De tout coeur avec vous les condamnations sont trop legeres ses personnes sont irrecuperables les sanctions doivent etre beaucoup plus dures