Friday 01 June 2018 | 4

#CirquesSansAnimaux: One Voice makes available a "decree" more solid for the communities

#CirquesSansAnimaux: One Voice makes available a "decree" more solid for the communities

Mis à jour le 23 July 2018

All the animals held in the circuses suffer from captivity, homelessness, and from the training: boredom, confinement, lack of retreat from humans, of whom they have an instinctive fear of, scary noises, brutality ... The list seems infinite, so much so that their well-being is denied.

Hr blog

This is especially true of wild animals in danger in this environment. Their natural life should be respected. They should not be subject to indiscrimination by humans, nor even dominated by them ... but protected.

In the absence of a national law that prohibits their exploitation in circuses, many municipalities in France have decided not to endorse such shows. In real democracies, the mayors rely on the vote from the city council, to then enforce the opinions of their fellow citizens. Unfortunately, the decisions taken following the voting and of certain decrees are open to legal challenges, and are often annulled as a result of the recourse from the Circuses and their lawyers. 

Therefore, rich is our expertise in the field, and always in the perspective of proposing solutions to our requirements for societal advances, we have available to any municipality that wishes to develop a solid decree "a complete package", together with a consultation guide book. One Voice and its legal team stand ready to assist municipalities who wish to act against animal exploitation for entertainment.

Do you want your municipality to commit to circuses without animals? Contact us, we will send the relevant documents directly to your town hall.

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Justice for Jon, Céleste, Patty, Hannah, and Marli: hearing in Évreux against the Cirque de Paris Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Comments 4

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Célia | Friday 13 July 2018

Assez de ces cirques, la plupart des gens avec qui nous avons échangé sont conscients de ce business qui fait tant souffrir ces superbes créatures, beaucoup de communes environnantes pourtant continuent de les accueillir.
Je réside sur la commune de Passy 74 merci beaucoup

Panda | Saturday 02 June 2018

Je suis contre les animaux sauvages dans les cirques.
Ce n'est pas leur environnement.

Alex | Friday 01 June 2018


Mamizou | Friday 01 June 2018

La commune de Le Faouët 56320 a reçu le cirque Pinder voici 3 ans .Une femme d'une cinquantaine d'années s'est postée 2 jours durant devant le Carrefour Market et a réclamé de l'argent aux clients du magasin pour qu'ils aident le cirque ... à nourrir les animaux !!! Dramatique et révoltant .